A list of 121 words by gulyasrobi.
- respond with forcewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- KGBwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- American Embassywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neutral statuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- grim 35-second broadcastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hungarian resistancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- suppress dissentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- receive assurances of safe passagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spread of anti-Communist feelingswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seek asylumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- establish neutralitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neutralize dissentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dutiful pro-Moscow Communistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- establishment of a multi-party statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- imminent Western supportwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yugoslav Embassywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- our troops are fightingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection of the Warsaw Pactwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spontaneous national uprisingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- captive nationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take power with Moscow's backingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- East European satellite statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- satellite leaderswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disable Soviet tankswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- target Kremlin rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pockets of resistancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- revolution flagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unmarked gravewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet reprisalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- challenge the rule of Moscowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ruined statue of Stalinwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bury in an unmarked gravewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- offer moral supportwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- volatile situationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- take to the streets of Budapestwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Red Armywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Suez Crisiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sixteen Pointswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weaken Moscow's gripwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- immense brutalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rule with a rod of ironwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Communist Russiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communist slaverywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- personal freedomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- removal of the secret policewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- removal of Russian controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet tankswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mechanized unitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- RFEwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiparty democracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- insurgent groupwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Politburowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- western Marxistswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- water polo tournamentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet troopswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Third Hungarian Republicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- demonstration of sympathywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spontaneous revolutionary militiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- blood in the water matchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pro-Soviet communistswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- popular discontentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pledge to re-establish free electionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- forcibly relocate peoplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bourgeois classwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- demand political changeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- withdrawal of Soviet forceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet-installed governmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Radio Free Europe (RFE)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- outbreak of violencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crushed revolutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- five-year planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet-controlled governmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- toiling intelligentsiawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Council Of Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- armed revolutionarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet Military Commandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- State Security Police (ÁVH)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- express solidarity with pro-reform movementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet-imposed policieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- salami tacticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- commanding officerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- red starwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- political repressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ideological strugglewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hungarian Working People's Partywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impromptu councilwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- join the insurgentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Soviet Security Police (KGB)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- freedom fighterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- student unionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Molotov cocktailwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- life imprisonmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Marxist-Leninistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- radio stationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nationalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- take up armswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stalinizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psychological warfarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- de-Stalinizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- political prisonerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- set ablazewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- life sentencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- dissenterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- stalematewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- self-determinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- Trotskyistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cold Warwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- sphere of influencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Marshall Planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- USSRwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- security forcewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- socialist economywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- army unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- collective farmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sympathizerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- open letterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- army tankwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- personal incomewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- refugee campwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- hunger strikewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- open firewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
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