A list of 4183 words by gulyasrobi.
- absolute measurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- added variable plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-sex-adjusted ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aggregationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- Aitken estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alpha factoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- angular transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AQLwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Aranda-Ordaz modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Arfwedson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arithmetic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accelerated stochastic approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- actuarial estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- additive modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adherent probabilitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- affine α-resolvabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-specific death ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-specific ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aggregative modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allelewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- allometric growthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- almost stationarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alternating renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analogue computerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- annual maximum methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AOQwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abnormal curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance quality levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- additive property of χ²was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- affinitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 123 lists
- AIDwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allocation rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allokurticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- almost certainlywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alphabetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- absolute riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptable reliability levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive optimisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aliaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 48 lists
- Alter periodogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- approximate degrees of freedomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arc sine transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- a priori probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- abrupt changewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absorbing statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adjusted profile likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-adjusted ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allocation of a samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- almost everywherewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- analysis of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- analytic surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Anderson-Darling statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absolute frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- actuarial statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ad hoc testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ajne's An-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ante-dependence modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arithmetic averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Abbe criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- additive property of chi-squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adequate subsetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- affine alpha resolvabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ancillary statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- anisotropic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Ansari-Bradley dispersion testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive optimizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive rejection samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- addition of variateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- additivity of meanswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AICwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ANOVA tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- antiserieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- area comparability factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Abelson-Tukey score testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absolute differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- accumulated deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-specific mortality ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aggregative indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aleatory variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allometrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- almost certainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analysis of dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analytic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analytic trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ANCOVAwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- antimodewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aperiodic statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- approximation errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ARCH modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abnormalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- absolute momentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptable quality levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance boundarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aging distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- amplitudewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- Anderson's classification statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- annual block maximum methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- antithetic transformswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AOQLwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arc sine distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- area samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absorbing barrierwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accumulated processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 79 lists
- alternating processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- amount of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analysis of covariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absolutely unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absorbing Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accelerated life testingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ACFwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- additive hazard modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- allowable defectswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Andrews' Fourier-type plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absolute errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- absorption distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceptance control chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-dependent branching processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- almost surelywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- alpha resolvabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alternative hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accelerated failure time modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- accelerated testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Adès distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-period-cohort effectswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- aggregative cluster analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Akaike's information criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alpha errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- alpha indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- amount of inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ancillary informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- angular variableswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- antitonic regression functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arbitrary originwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- AREwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ARIMA processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Abbe-Helmert criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absorbing regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- acceleration by poweringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- additive processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- age-dependent birth and death processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- all-possible-subsets regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Anosov's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ANOVAwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- antithetic variableswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- abrupt distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- absolute deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- acceptance samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- adaptive kernel estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- admissible strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- amplitude ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- analysis of variance of longitudinal datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- anomicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- Anscombe residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymmetrical distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- attack ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- asymmetrical factorial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically √n-unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autocovariance generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arrival distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- associable designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically subminimaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive integrated moving average processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Armitage's chi-squared test for trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic relative efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autocorrelation functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregression rank scoreswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymmetrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- ASN functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically stationarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autocorrelationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 74 lists
- asymptotic Bayes procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autocorrelation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive moving average processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ARLwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- associate classwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic normalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- arithmetic meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- automatic model selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ARMA processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- associationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- attributewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 67 lists
- autocovariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- automatic interaction detectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autonomous equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Arnold distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ascertainment errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically efficient estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically locally optimal designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotically most powerful testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregression quantilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- attributable fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Aspin-Welch testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymmetrical testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- atomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- arraywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- atypical characteristicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autocovariance functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Armitage's restricted procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- association analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- assumed meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- attenuationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- attributable riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ascertainmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- assignable variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- association schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- asymptotic standard errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- auto-catalytic curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bachelier processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average of relativeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced differenceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett-Diananda testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett's test of second order interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- base reversal testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Behrens' methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bell-shaped curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bessel functionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- best asymptotically normal estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average quality protectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bandit problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bar chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- battery of testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- behavioural decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- belief networkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Berkson's error modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bessel function distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bagai's Y1 statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average inaccuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- batch variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BCa confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bechhofer's indifference zone methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Behrens-Fisher testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bar graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Bartlett's decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- basic cellwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' postulatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernstein's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Berry's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BACON algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average critical value methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Banach's match problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- base linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' solutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- best linear unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average outgoing quality limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average run lengthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average sample number functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett-Lewis modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Berkeley Madonnawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Berksonian linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bessel's correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- best estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- average sample number curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- background informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- backward equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- base periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Basu's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Baule's equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Beall-Rescia generalization of Neyman's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Beran's testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average extra defectives limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average outgoing quality levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bahadur efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced repeated replicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bandwidthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- Bayes' strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli trialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average article run lengthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- backcalculationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- backprojectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- backward processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced bootstrapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Barnard's Monte Carlo testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett relationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- base weightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes information criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli polynomialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- average deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 48 lists
- axial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- baggingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- Bayesian networkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Berkson's fallacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernstein's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- best fitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- autoregressive transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average amount of inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- axonometric chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bagplotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced confoundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced factorial experimental designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- band chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian inference using Gibbs samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian probability pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- auto-spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced incomplete blockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett's matrix-identitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- baseline hazardwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bates-Neyman modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Behrens-Fisher problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- best critical regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ballot theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett adjustmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayes' riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bayesian survival modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bellman-Harris processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average correction (for grouping)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartlett's collinearity testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bathtub curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Beall-Rescia generalisation of Neyman's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bernoulli walkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average sample run lengthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- average shifted histogramswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- balanced lattice squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Barndorff-Nielsen's formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bartholomew's problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- basewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 123 lists
- Berge's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bimodal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bispectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate logarithmic series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Black-Scholes formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Blakeman's criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Boole-Bonferroni-Fréchet inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brown-Mood procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Butler-Smirnov testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- categorical variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- censored regression modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- central place theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- centre of locationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chance variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Chapman-Kolmogorov equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- characteristic functionalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chi-squared metricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of disturbancywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of part correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coherencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- cohortwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 74 lists
- collinearity-influential observationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- common factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compartment modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex abnormal curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- component of interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conjugate rankingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consistencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- contrastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- control methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- curtatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- cyclic orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- databasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- decapitated negative binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deconvolutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- deep stratificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- between-groups variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biometric functionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bipolar factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- birth ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- bitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- bivariate beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- blocked adaptive computationally-efficient outliers nominatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bravais correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Carleman's criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- carrier variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- case-cohort designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- categorical distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cauchy-Schwarz inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cell frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- channel degrees of freedomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- characteristicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- Chernoff's faceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chi-plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular mean deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- conditionalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- confidence bandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- confounderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-covariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-sectional surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cube of correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative probability curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative probability functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curve of equidetectabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curve of flexibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decreasing hazard ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binomial probability paperwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate logarithmic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Blackwell's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BMIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Boolean factor analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bradford distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BUGSwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bulk samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Campbell's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Camp-Meidell inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Canberra metricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- canonical correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CFAwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- characteristic functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- chi-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular histogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 64 lists
- clinical studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cluster analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- coefficient of determinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coherency principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- colouringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- complete class (of tests)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound negative multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditionality principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Boole's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuous populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- contour levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- copulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- correlation matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- counting distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Craig's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cramér-Lévy theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- critical quotientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cronbachs alphawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curtailed inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curve of concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilateral exponentialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binomial variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biplotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bissinger distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate 'Student' distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivector multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- body mass indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- boostingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- Bowley indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cantelli's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cantor-type distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CARTwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- case-referent studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- centilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- cepstrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- change point estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- change point modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Chauvenet's criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clinical trialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of consistencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cold deck methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- collapsed stratum methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- combination of testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compressed limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional logistic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence beltwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confluence analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consumption price indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cook's statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correction factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correspondence analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- counter model, type Iwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Cramér-Tchebychev inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-validation criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cubic designs with three associate classeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative hazardwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- data depthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- data sharpeningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 61 lists
- decilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- decision spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bifactor modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biological assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- birth and death processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BMDPwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Box's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- carry over effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- category theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- change point problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cluster samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of alienationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of concordancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of contingencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of self-similaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- combinatorial power meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compact (serial) clusterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- completeness (of a class of decision functions)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex Wishart distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- composite hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concurrent deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional expectationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conjugate priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- contaminated distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- content validitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuous random variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cornish-Fisher expansionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- corrected probitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correction for continuitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correction for groupingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- counterfactual modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariance analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariminwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coverage probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- credible regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curve fittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- curve of mean densitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- D²-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- DAGwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Darmois-Koopman-Pitman theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Darmois-Skitovich theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta-binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta-Whittle distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bickel-Hodges estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binary longitudinal datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate Cauchy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Blum approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brandt-Snedecor methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- canonical matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- capture/recapture samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- causal chain modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cigarette card distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular serial correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- commingling analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communicating classwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- comparative mortality figurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound frequency distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concomitancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- concordancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- conditional power functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuous processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- controlled processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariance matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Cramér-Rao efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-over designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulant generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- current life tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cyclic designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biased coin designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biased samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- binary datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate uniform distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Borel-Cantelli lemmaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bose distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Box-Cox transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- busy periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- canonicalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 72 lists
- cardioid distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Carli's indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cauchy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cause-specific hazard functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- censuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- chain block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chain graph modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 50 lists
- Charlier distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- class frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cochran's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of associationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of disarraywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of multiple correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete case analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete correlation matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- composite estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- conditional independencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conjugate Latin squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- connectednesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- connectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- conservative processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convergence in measurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cost functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariance stationary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cox processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cramér-Rao boundwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross amplitude spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative chi-squared statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative frequency curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cylindrically rotable designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- damping factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decapitated distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bilinear modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- birth processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- birth, death and immigration processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biserial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate type II distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BLUEwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bootstrap testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Box-Jenkins modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- branching renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- break pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Breslow estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Breslow-Day testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brownian bridgewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- brushing scatterplotswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- case-control studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- central tendencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CG distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- characteristic rootwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Chebyshev inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chi-squared correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cliff-Ord testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clitic curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cluster (point) processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clusterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 60 lists
- coalescent processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cograduationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete system of equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compositional datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concordant samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- confluent relationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuous sampling planswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- contragraduationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- convolutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- corpuscle problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cox and Stuart's testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Creedy and Martin generalized gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crossed factorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crossed weight index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- DALYwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- datumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binomial index of dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bioassaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- bioequivalence testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bipolykayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate distribution of two discrete variableswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- block diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- blockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 55 lists
- Blom's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bootstrap aggregationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bootstrap methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- breakdown boundwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brunk's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bytewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- capture/release samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cascade processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chain binomial modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classification statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- complete Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex demodulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- composite sampling schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentration matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional Gaussian distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- confidence coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariance kernelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cox proportional hazards modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CPIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- critical regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative frequency functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta-Stacy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binary experimentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binomial waiting time distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Birnbaum-Raymond-Zuckerman inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- box and whisker plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Box-Müller transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Burr's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- call-backwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- case fatality ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- categorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- chi distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chunk samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular triadswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular uniform distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- closed-ended questionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- closeness, in estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cochran's Q-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coherent structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- collinearitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compensating errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- component analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- composite index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- compound distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conservative confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- constraintwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 49 lists
- consumer price indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correlation ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correlation surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cox's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cramér-Wold devicewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative distribution functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- curved exponential familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curvilinear correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 100 lists
- BioMeDical Packagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Birnbaum-Tingey distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate negative binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- blindingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- Bonferroni rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Borel-Tanner distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Burkholder approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- calibrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- Camp-Paulson approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- canonical variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- categorical datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- central confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- central factorial momentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- centre (of a range)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chance constraintwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chi-squared distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- class markwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- closed sequential t-testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of excesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional maximum likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence curveswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conformitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 31 lists
- consistent estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- counting process methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- counting processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CUSUM procedureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cyclewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- Dalenius' theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Daniel's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biased testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binary logistic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binary sequencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- binary variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate Pascal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bose-Einstein statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bounded completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- branching Markov processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- branching Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brown's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bruceton methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Buys Ballot tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- census distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chain indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Charlier polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- choice-based samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular lattice distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cluster randomized trialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cochran's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- common factor spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- common factor variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- competition processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex experimentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional failure ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- congestion problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- contingencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 56 lists
- control chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coordinatographwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- corner testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- corrected momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correlation tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- cosine distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Cox's regression modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cramér-Rao inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cramér-von Mises testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Crofton's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crossed classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crypto-deterministic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative sum distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- current status datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dandekar's correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Darmois-Koopman's distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- data bankwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- de Finetti's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- defective probability distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta-gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- biostatisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Borges' approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bradford Hill's guidelineswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Brownian motion processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bunch map analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- catastrophe theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- causal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- causalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- characterizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- Chernoff-Savage theoremswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chi-squared statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Chung-Fuchs theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Cochran's criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of agreementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of racial likenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete set of Latin squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- completely randomised designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- component bar chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional expected valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional survivor functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consumer's riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- continuity correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- control of substratawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- corrections for abruptnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cospectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- covariance functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- critical valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- CSM testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- curvilinear trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cut-offwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- cyclic serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- death ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- decision theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- better same order bias estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bingham's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bonferroni inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- branching processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cartogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- cell modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- centroid methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clisywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- Cochran's rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of individualitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of total determinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coherencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- comparative mortality indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- competing riskswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete linkage clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- completely randomized designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditionally unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- configurationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- contingency tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- continuous probability lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- control limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correlogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- coveragewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- Cox modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Creedy and Martin generalised gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross intensity functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative sum chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- D'Agostino's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Daniels' rank correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- data augmentation algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decreasing failure ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta probability plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bhattacharyya boundswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bhattacharyya's distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- BICwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bienaymé-Tchebychev inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Birnbaum's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bock's three component modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- box plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- branch and bound methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Buffon's needlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Burke's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Capon testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chain graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- chain-relativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Champernowne distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- change pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Cholesky decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- closed sequential schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of divergencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coefficient of multiple partial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cohort life tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- colligationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- combinatorial methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- combinatorial testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- communicatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- complete class (of decision functions)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complete sufficient statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- completely balanced lattice squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- complex Gaussian distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- computer-intensive methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concomitant variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confoundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- convergence in probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- correlation indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Craig effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cubic latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cuboidal lattice designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- damped oscillationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- David-Barton testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- David's empty cell testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- death processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- decomposable modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- beta-prime distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bias-variance trade-offwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- bioinformaticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- Birnbaum-Saunders distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- bivariate sign testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Blum-Kiefer-Rosenblatt independence testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Bradley-Terry modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cause variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- central limit theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- central momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- certainty equivalencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- changeover trialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- characterisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- chi-squared testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- circular mean differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- circular quartile deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- class symbolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- classification and regression treeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- clipped time serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coarseningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- coefficient of non-determinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cohort studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- collapsibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- component of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- composed Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- concentration parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conditional regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confidence setwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- confirmatory factor analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- conjugate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- consistent testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- contingency-type distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 70 lists
- cost-of-living indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- coverage problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- credible intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- cross-validationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cross-weight index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- crude momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- cumulative incidencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- curvilinear regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- data analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- design type O:PPwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dirichlet tesselationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete circular uniform distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete power series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dispersion indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution-constant statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dummy treatmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Duncan's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- derived statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- detrimental variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dirty datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discounted least squares methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double logarithmic chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- downward biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- dropoutwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- dualitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- deterministic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- discrete rectangular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discriminant analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution-free sufficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dominating strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- D-optimal designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- defective samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- degrees of freedomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dependencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- digamma functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution of run lengthswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dixon's statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dodge continuous sampling planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dose-response curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dose-response relationshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- double dichotomywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double-tailed testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dunn's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delta-indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- density estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dependencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- descriptive statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- descriptive surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- destructive testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deviancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- digital computerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- discrete normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- displaced Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution-free methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dn+ statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double Pareto curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dragstedt-Behrens' methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- demodulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- dendrogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- design matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- diffusion indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- diffusion processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dimension reductionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- direct standardisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dirichlet distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discontinuous processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dispersion matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disproportionate subclass numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dissimilaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- dissymmetrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- divergencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- Divisia's indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- domain of studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dependent variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deterministic modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- differential-difference equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- direct probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- direct samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dose metameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dunnett's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discordancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- degrees of randomnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dispersion stabilising transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dispersion stabilizing transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distributed lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution mixturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Divisia-Roy indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Doolittle techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- doubly stochastic matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- diagonal regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dimroth-Watson's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- directed acyclic graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- disability adjusted life yearwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discordant samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrepancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete variatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete wavelet transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disorder problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- dividing valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double exponential regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dual processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- design equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- design optimalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- diffuse priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dilution serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- distribution of Sums which are Truncated from the Expectation of the Reciprocalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disturbed oscillationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double reversal designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- defective unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deterministic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- deviance residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dichotomywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 219 lists
- discrete random variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dishonest processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distance distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disturbed harmonic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Donsker's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- doubly stochastic Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- degenerate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delta methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Delthiel polygonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- departure processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- difference sign testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- direct standardizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- directional datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dirichlet series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double-ratio estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dummy observationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- demographywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- design of experimentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dichotomous variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- differential processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete type III distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Downton's estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- determinant correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- determining variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete lognormal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discriminatory analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- disnormalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dissection (of heterogeneous distributions)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distance measureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dotplotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double confoundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double-blindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- doubly non-central F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- down crosswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- d-separation theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Delaunay triangulationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- density functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- descriptive indiceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- difference of zerowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dual theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dummy variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- defining contrastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- degree of beliefwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- delta-index of Giniwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- direct correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discontinuous variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- discrete probability lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- distribution curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- double binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- doubly truncated normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dwass-Steel testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- duo-trio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- effective degrees of freedomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- elementary unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- endogenous variatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dynamic stochastic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elliptical truncationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- EM algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- empirical Bayes' estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- empirical likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ED50was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- EDAwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- Ehrenfest modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elliptical normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- endogenous variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ensemble averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- duplicated samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Eisenhart modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eliminationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- empirical exponential familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- empirical statistical modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- entropywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 140 lists
- dynamic programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ecologic studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elementary renewal theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- empirical probitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- entrance timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ecological fallacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eigenvaluewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- efficiency indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ellipsoidal normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Efron's self-consistency algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ellipse of concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ensemblewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- duplicate samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dynamic modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- effect variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- efficiency equivalencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ellipticitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- empirical Bayes' procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- entry plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Durbin's multistage variance estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Dvoretsky's stochastic approximation theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Durbin-Watson statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- econometricswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- effect modifierwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- empty cell testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- dynamic treatment allocationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Edgeworth indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Edgeworth's serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- efficiency factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- edge effectswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Edgeworth expansionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- effective rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- efficient estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- effective unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Elfving distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elliptically symmetric distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- empirical distribution functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- elementary contrastwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- end-point estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- end correctionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Engset distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error bandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error of second kindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimation-maximisation algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eugenicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- Euler's conjecturewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exceedanceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extended group divisible designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- external validitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- envelope risk functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epidemiologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- equalising valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error reducing powerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimation-maximization algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- even summationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exceedances testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exchangeabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expected probitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expert systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- exploratory surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- explosive stochastic difference equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- external variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- envelope power functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epsilon-independencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equal probability of selection methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalence classwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 42 lists
- estimatingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- etiologic fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- evolutionary operationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exogenous variatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expectationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- exponential familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- extra period change over designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- environmental statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ergodicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- errors-in-variables modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exhaustive samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extremal statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epidemicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- equally correlated distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equal-tails testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalent sampleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- exact chi-squared testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exact testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- experimental unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extended negative binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extrapolation forecastingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme-value distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equilibriumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 81 lists
- errors in surveyswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exact statistical methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expected frequencieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extensive magnitudeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme valueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error of observationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equi-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 58 lists
- extrapolationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- Esseen's lemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalent deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error function complementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error of third kindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 47 lists
- essential completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ethicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 47 lists
- explanatory variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exploratory data analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- event spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extensive samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor loadingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalence testingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equilibrium distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivariant estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error of estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error sum of squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Esseen-type approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimating equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extremal indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extremal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Erlang's formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error in equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Euclidean distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- evolutionary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exchangeable (variables)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expected normal scores testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- explosive processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exponential regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extra-Poisson variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extremal quotientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epidemic modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exponential curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extended Bayes' decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme rank sum testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor antithesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equitable gamewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equivalent dosewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Erlang distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- event history datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- eventwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- evolutionary spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expected valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- equal spacings testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equilibrium renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error mean squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- expected losswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exponential dispersion modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extremal intensitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme studentized deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equalizer decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- error of first kindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- experimentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- experimental errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- exponential smoothingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epidemic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- epsem samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- equaliser decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ergodic statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- exceedance life testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- exogenous variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extended hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- extreme studentised deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- factorial cumulantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- failure ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- finite arc sine distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- folded distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fourier transformwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fractile graphical analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fréchet distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency polygonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- futility indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Garwood distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized bivariate exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized STER distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Goodman-Kruskal G statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gupta's symmetry testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- hidden Markov modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchical classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high-low graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hitting pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- homogeneitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- Horvitz-Thompson estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Huberised estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hudson's Rmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- infinite populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- infinite universewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inflated distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inhomogeneous Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intensive magnitudeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intergraduated valueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intrablockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse normal scores testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial cumulant generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first digit distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fixed variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- folded medianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- freehand methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency domainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- functional relationshipwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Galton-McAllister distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gamma-frailty modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gantt progress chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised additive modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised gamma distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised STER distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized estimating equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gibbs samplerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- girdle distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Glivenko's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grade correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group divisible rotatable designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group screening methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- groupwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 53 lists
- growth curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Gumbel's inequalitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gurland's generalisation of Neyman's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hat matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- hazard functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- homokurticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypothetical populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incidence ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of Paretowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inequality coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- informative censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intensity functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intensitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 40 lists
- intercalate Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor rotationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first kind modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fixed samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Friedman's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- functional central limit theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fundamental probability setwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fuzzy set theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Galton ogivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gani's mean differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss-Markov theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- GEEwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- GENeral STATisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized additive modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gittins indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- goodness of fitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- graduationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- Gram-Charlier series type Bwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchical group divisible designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- historical controlswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hoeffding's independence testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hollander-Proschan new better than used testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Holt's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hot deck methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hotelling’s T²-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hunt-Stein theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hyperexponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hyper-Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identical errorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- infinitely-many-sites modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- infinitesimal jackknifewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interclass correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intercroppingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inventory problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse Pólya distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- Fermi-Dirac statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fiducial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fiducial limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite population correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher exact testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher information matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Furry processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized classical linear estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Generalized Linear Interactive Modellingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized right angular designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geometric rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gnedenko-Koroljuk theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grid samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Grubbs' rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gumbel distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-drill stripwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Harley approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hartley-Rao schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Helmert criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- heterocliticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- heterotypicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Hodges-Ajne's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hyper-Graeco-Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- image processingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- importance samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incidencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- incomplete censuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inconsistent estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- increasing hazard ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of connectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indicator variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inductionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- inferential statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- influencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- instantaneous statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- instrumental variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor reversal testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feed-forward neural networkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Flemming-Viot processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency theory of probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gart's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised least squares estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised linear modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised mixed modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-widthwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hardy summation methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Heywood casewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypergeometric waiting time distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identifiabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- immigrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 50 lists
- indifference zonewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indirect samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intensity of transvariationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- interclass variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- invariance methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fertility gradientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fractalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 69 lists
- fractional replicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gabriel's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- GAMwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gamma coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gaussian processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Geary's contiguity ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised extreme-value distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized mixed modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gibrat distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- graphical estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Greenhouse-Geisser testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Grenander's uncertainty principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Hausdorff dimensionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Helmert transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hollander's bivariate symmetry testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- homocliticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- HSD-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- idle periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- impulse response functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incidence matrix of designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete beta functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of diversitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- informative priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interquartile rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- intrinsic accuracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- invariance principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse multinomial samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- feature selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher-Behrens testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher-Hsu-Roy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fixed base indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- flexibility curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Foster's criteriawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Galton's rank order testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Geary's ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised bivariate exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised classical linear estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized Bayes' decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized extreme-value distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized sequential probability ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gini's ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group divisible incomplete block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group divisible PBIBwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Guttman scalingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-normal plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hammingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- hanningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic dialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Harrison's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hazardwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- highest posteriori density intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hodges-Lehmann one-sample estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypernormal dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ideal index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ill-conditionedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- index of abnormalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indirect standardizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- integer programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- internal regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interval censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interviewer biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- invariantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- inverse hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial sumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fertility ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- FFTwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fiducial inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first passage timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher-Yates testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fokker-Planck equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fourier analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- frailty modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- full information methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- funnel plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised estimating equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gini's hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gradewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- grouped Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Haldane's discrepancy measureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hudson-Kreitman-Aguade testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypercubewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identical categorisationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- implicit stratawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improper distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete multi-response designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of attractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpenetrating samples (subsamples)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intrablock analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factor scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fair gamewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- false positivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- Fieller's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fréchet distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fundamental random processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- game theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- gamma integralwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized T² distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geometric moving averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- glyphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- Gramian matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- g-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-invariantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hartley's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Helly's first theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- heritabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- historical prospective studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- homogeneous processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- honestly significant difference testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- illness-death modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- illusory associationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indirect standardisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inflation factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interrupted distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fieller-Hartley-Pearson measure of associationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first limit theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first return timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fréchet's inequalitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Freeman-Tukey transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- F-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss-Winckler inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised T² distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized polykayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geostatisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gnedenko-Koroljuk distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Graeco-Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gram-Charlier series type Cwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gram's criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- graphical chain modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Grenander estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gridwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- Harris recurrencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hazard ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hill estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hoeffding's U-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- honest processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- horseshoe effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypothesis testingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independent variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- index of dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indifference regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inefficient estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inspection lotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intrablock subgroupwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- forward equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- four-fold tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Freund-Ansari testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gabriel-Sen statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Galton-Watson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gambler's ruinwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss-Seidel methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Geary's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- general interdependent systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised polykayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised power series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised stable lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized stable lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- genetic heterogeneitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gini's mean distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- GLLAMMwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gnedenko's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- graduation curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group sequential designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- g-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-replicate designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hardy-Weinberg equilibriumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hardy-Weinberg lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hazard rate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Helly-Bray theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- heterokurticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchical cluster analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- historigramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- HKA testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hodges' bivariate sign testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hoeffding C1 statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hölder's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- homoscedasticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- Hosmer-Lemeshow statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete blockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independent actionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of oscillationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of reversionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- input/output processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- instantaneous death ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- integrated moving average processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interceptwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- internal least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interval distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intervention analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fast Fourier transformwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher's (spherical Normal) distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fraction defectivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- GARCH modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised Bayes' decision rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- graphical modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-plaid squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hard-core modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- heterogeneitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- heterogradewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchical birth and death processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchical modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hierarchywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 60 lists
- Hotelling's test (dependent correlations)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Huber estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Huberized estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- image analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- includances testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independent testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inductive behaviourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- influence curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interdecile rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse factorial series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- first stage unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher-Irwin testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fixed effects (constants) modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fractilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fractional Brownian motionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- frequentistwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Gehan testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- general renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised right angular designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised sequential probability ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geometric probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gompertz curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gompertz-Makeham distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gradual changeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hastings approximationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hellinger's distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Helmert distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hhn (x) functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hoeffding's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- homogradewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Householder tridiagonalisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hypernormalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- identical categorizationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ill-posed problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- illusory correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- incidental parameterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inclusion probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- independent trialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of evolutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of homophilywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- infinite divisibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inquirywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 33 lists
- inspection by attributewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intensive samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interpolationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- intraclass correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intraclass variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- invariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- factor patternwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- factorial experimentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- false negativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- fiducial probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- filterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 45 lists
- fluctuationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- follow-upwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- framewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 63 lists
- gain functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Galton's individual difference problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- gamma functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss eliminationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gauss-Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- general factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized gamma distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized least squares estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Generalized Linear Latent and Mixed Modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- geometric meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- GLIMwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Goodman-Kruskal tauwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Goutereau's constantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gramianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hermite distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hermite polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- heteroscedasticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- histogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- Hotelling's T²was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Householder tridiagonalizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hyper-spherical normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- IMA processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- imputationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 31 lists
- inadmissible estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index of concentrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indifferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- inefficient statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- influence functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- influential observationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inspection diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interblockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- intercorrelationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- internal validitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- interval estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- fatigue modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fatou's lemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fellegi's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite sampling correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher's B-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- foldingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- forecastingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- frequency distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalised cross-validationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized cross-validationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- genetic algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- GenStatwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gower's similarity coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grand tourwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- group divisible designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group testingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hard clipping (limiting)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- harmonic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Harris walkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hollander's parallelism testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hurst coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- imbedded processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- improper priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete gamma functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- incomplete momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independence frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- index of dissimilaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indifference-level index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 53 lists
- integrated datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- integrated spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- factorial moment generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ferreri distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite multiplierwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- finite sample breakdown pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Fisher's transformation (of the correlation coefficient)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- five-point assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- folded contingency tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- force of mortalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- frequency response functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gaussian distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- generalized inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- generalized linear modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- generalized power series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gini's index of cograduationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- given periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Glivenko-Cantelli lemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gram-Charlier series type Awas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- group comparisonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- grouping latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Grubbs' estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gupta's subset selection methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Gurland's generalization of Neyman's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hadamard matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-Cauchy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- half-normal probability paperwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Hammersley-Clifford theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- high contactwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- higher-order asymptotic theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- hyperbolic secant distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- increasing failure ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- independent censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indicator functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- indirect least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- information theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- inherent biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- internal variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse Gaussian distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- irreducible Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ising-Stevens distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isokurtosiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Jonckheere's k-sample testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Jonckheere-Terpstra test for k-groupswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-class estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kurtosiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- Laplace approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lassowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- Latin rectanglewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LD50was added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- least significant difference testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- leptokurtosiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- Lindley's integral equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isotonic regression functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jump matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kendall's τwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kullback-Leibler informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least favourable familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- level of significancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy-Khintchine representationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lexis ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lindeberg-Lévy theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- line of equal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- line spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- item analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- iterative proportional fittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- James-Stein estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- joint prediction intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kaiser-Guttmann criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kruskal statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lancaster's partition of chi-squaredwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace-Lévy theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Latin hypercube samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laurent processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- law of large numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- least squares generalized inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Leslie's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Liapunov's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- life expectancywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- inverse samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- IRLSwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- iteratively reweighted least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- just identified modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kernel density estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kiefer-Wolfowitz processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kuiper statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ladder variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laspeyres' indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lattice squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least absolute deviation methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- limited information estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- limited information methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lindley's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse polynomialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isotype methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Jiřina sequential procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kapteyn's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-means clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Knox's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L2 association schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lachenbruch's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- latent structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- latent trait analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- law of small numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- left-truncationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- legitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- level mapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- level of interpenetrationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy representationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lexian distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isomorphismwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- iterated bootstrapwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Koroljuk's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kronecker product of designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LAD methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- law of iterated logarithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse sine transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inversionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- inverted Dirichlet distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Jensen's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jittered samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kantorowitch's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kendall's tauwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kepstrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- krigingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L1-normwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lambda-criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace transformwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace-Gauss distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- latent variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lattice distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lehmann alternativeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jackknifewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- joint sufficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kaplan-Meier estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kärber's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Khintchine's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kounias' inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kramp functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-samples problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kullback-Leibler distance functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- lattice designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- leaps and bounds methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least absolute deviation regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- leverage pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- leveragewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 59 lists
- Lexis theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lincoln indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- line of equidistributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- line samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear discriminant functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isodyneswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isotropywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- Johnson-Mehl modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- joint momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Jordan's identitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kappawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 24 lists
- Kesten's processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov representationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- k-ratio t-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L2-metricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laguerre polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least squares estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Leslie matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lindeberg-Feller theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse tanh transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverted beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Irwin distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jump statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kendall's S scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kernel estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kernel smoothing in regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kronecker product of matriceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kurtic curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag hysteresiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lagrangean multiplier testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laspeyres-Konyus indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- latent root (vector)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lethal dose 50was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- level of a factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy-Cramér theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Liapunov's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- life tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Likert scalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- judgment samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kendall's terminologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kollectivwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Koopman-Darmois familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lag covariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least favourable distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least squares methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lehmann-Scheffé theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- likelihood ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- iterative proportional scalingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Konyus index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L1-metricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Langevin distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L-estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lexis variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse serial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- IQRwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- irreducible chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isometric chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- isotropic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Johnson's systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- joint distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Jolly-Seber modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- J-shaped distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kapteyn's univariate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- kernel estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Klotz's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov-Smirnov testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Latin cubewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Legendre polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- likelihood principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- likelihood ratio dependencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lindley's paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- inverse transformation methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- iterative weighted least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kagan-Linnik-Rao theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kapteyn's transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kendall’s coefficient of concordancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kolmogorov axiomswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- K-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LAD regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lambdagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace law of successionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lévy-Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lifetime distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lilliefors' testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- John's cyclic incomplete block designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kalman filterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kamat's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Knut Vik squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kruskal-Wallis testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ladder indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- latent class analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least squares generalised inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- least variance difference methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- left-censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- likelihood ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- line upwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- linear constraintwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- irregular kollectivwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- jackknife variance estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- joint regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Konyus conditionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Kuder-Richardson formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lagrange multiplier testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Laplace's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lattice samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lehmann's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- local likelihood estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- lognormal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- linear regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logistic curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-logistic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear sufficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linkage analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Lipschitz conditionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- list samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- loadingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- log gamma distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear mean square regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linked paired comparison designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LISRELwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- location modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linearized maximum likelihood methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-linear modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear structural relationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- locally assymptotically most powerful testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear failure rate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- link relativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- local asymptotic efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic oddswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-zero-Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lineo-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- link functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logistic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linked datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- linked sampleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-chi-squared distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LInear Structural RELationshipswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linked blockswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- locally most powerfull rank order testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- location shift alternative hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log convex tolerance limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log F distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logarithmic chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lognormalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- linear logistic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- location-scale familywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- log-log transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- locationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- Lloyd's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logistic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- logistic regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- linear maximum likelihood methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linearised maximum likelihood methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linkagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- locally asymptotically most stringent testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- linear systematic statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- local statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- location parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Lowe indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lugananni-Rice formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mahalanobis distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- main effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MCMCwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mid-rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monthly averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- most efficient estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mth valueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multicollinearitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-temporal modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate processeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate signed rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman's ψ² testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nomogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- normalizing transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- NORMIXwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Nyquist-Shannon theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- one-way classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parameter of locationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pareto indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalised quasi-likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- percentile confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point biserial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson clustering processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson truncated normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- positive recurrent statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prediction limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- previsionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- principle of equal ignorancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability integralwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- propensity interpretation of probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- protocolwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 68 lists
- pseudo-likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psi square statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- random bifurcationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random digitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rankwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 65 lists
- ratio estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- raw momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mann-Kendall testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov fieldwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- masking effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean linear successive differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean square contingencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean square successive differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- meta-analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- method of momentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- minimax strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum variance linear unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Minitabwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified control limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monotone likelihood ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-factorial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple range testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple recapture censuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate negative hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate quality controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- network information criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman allocationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman's factorization theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central chi-square distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nucleotide diversitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- null hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- Nyquist intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- official statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ogivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- optimum allocationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- order statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overdispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearson measure of skewnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phase functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- placebowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- Poisson binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- positive correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- positive skewnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- precision matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Priestly's P-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Procrustes methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- profile analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psychometricswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- quadrant dependencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quality of lifewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- quantity relativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantum hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartile deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- raising factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random allocation designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random walkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- realisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- loss of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Markov chain Monte Carlowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Madow-Leipnik distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mauchly testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- max-type procedureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median lethal dosewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MINQUEwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moment generating functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- moral graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Moses' testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- most powerful testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving observer techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving weightswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- m-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple decision problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple random startswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate Pólya distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate power series distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- net correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neutral curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal equivalent deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- null recurrent statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- OARwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- omega square testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oscillatory processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pairwise independencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- panel studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial contingencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial serial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pattern recognitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- Pearson-Durbin ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalised likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalized least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- person-yearswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Peters' methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pie diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pitman nearness criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pitman-Morgan testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson homogeneity testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson's law of large numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- positive binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- precisionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- prevalencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- price indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prior probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- product momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pseudo-random numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratic exponential modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- qualitative interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quality inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartiminwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Quenouille's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized blockswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank concordance coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- records testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean excess functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 57 lists
- median unbiased confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- metameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum normit chi-square estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing at randomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mitscherlich equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 41 lists
- most stringent testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving annual totalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving totalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple comparisonswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple curvilinear correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple stratificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-stage samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- multivariate Burr's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman's psi square testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central multivariate beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-circular statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-parametric maximum likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- op and Op notationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- paired comparisonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- panel datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- Pareto distribution of the second kindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- peak valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- percentage distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phase confounded designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phasewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- pivotal quantitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictive decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-emptive disciplinewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability elementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- processing errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proportional subclass numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pseudo-inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- publication biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratic meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quality of official statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quota samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random coefficient modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random normal scores testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random orderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- randomized decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- magic square designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mahalanobis' generalised distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Makeham distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- marginal categorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- marginal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum entropy principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median unbiasednesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Merrington-Pearson approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimally connected designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- model averagingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified arithmetic meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mood-Brown estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mortara formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-modal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple changeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Noether's test for cyclical trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central multivariate F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-normal populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-regular estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Normal Mixture Distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- observational studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- opinion surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Ord-Carver systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ordered categorisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthonormal systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial correlogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- PDFwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- peeling algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- percentilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- pie chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- piecewise regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pistimetric probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Plackett's uniform distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson forestwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polychoric correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polynomial regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polynomial trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polytomic tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- product-limit estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- projectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- pure strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-normal equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- random tesselationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 36 lists
- lottery samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lower quartilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lp-normwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- L-testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MANOVA tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean probit differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of selected pointswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimal essential completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing completely at randomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- model Iwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modulus of precisionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mood-Brown median testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- most selective confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested case-control studieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman-Pearson lemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman's factorisation theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nomicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- O statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Occam's razorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- optimum testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- order of coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal functionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal projectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overall estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially balanced incomplete block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearl-Read curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearson chi-squared testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearson residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- percentage standard deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- persistent statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- phase diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- phase spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Phi-coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pilot samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point densitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point of first entrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson-Markov processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya frequency function of order twowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pooling of errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- post cluster samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power sumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predetermined variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prediction intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- price compensation indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Q-Q plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadri-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quality controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- quasi-independencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- questionnairewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- randomised responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 57 lists
- rankitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lower control limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- l-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- martingale residualswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximin criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MCARwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mean square consecutive fluctuation estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median centrewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median directionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mesokurtosiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of steepest ascentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimax principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- misclassificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- mixed distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed-up observationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified von Neumann ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monotonic structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Monte Carlo EM algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Monte Carlo testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate Pascal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nonlinear modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-parametricwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-singular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- octileswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- one-sided testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optimal asymptotic testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optimum statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- order of stationaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ordered alternative hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orderly stationary point processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overlap designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Papadakis's methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parallel line assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalized likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pillai's trace testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point of controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson beta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson probability paperwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polar wedge diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pollaczek's formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power function distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- P-P plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- precedence testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictor variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Priestly's λ-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- primary unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- principle of equipartitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability density functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- progressive averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proper distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- queuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 106 lists
- quotient regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random balance designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank-randomization testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rayleigh testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lot tolerance per cent defectivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mallows's Cp statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mantel-Haenszel testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Markov estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov random fieldwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum likelihood methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean absolute errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean successive differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of overlapping mapswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed autoregressive-regressive systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- monotone regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mood-Brown estimation of a linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple time serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nearest-neighbour methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- NEDwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Nelson-Aalen estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested balanced incomplete block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- network samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nomographwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- non-central F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-compliancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- non-recursive residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- normal equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Nyquist frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- operations research (am.)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- opinion pollwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- optimality of designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ordered serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal variable transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Paasche-Konyus indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Palgrave's indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial rank correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially balanced arrayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially consistent observationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearson curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 49 lists
- periodogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Perk's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- personal probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Petersburg gamewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pilot surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- positive hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictive likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictive sample reuse methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- probability integral transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- product binomial modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- p-statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadrature spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- qualitative datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartile directionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartile measure of skewnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random linear graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- random variatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomization testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- rank-randomisation testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lorenz curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- loss matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lowesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MANOVAwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MARwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Maxwell-Boltzmann statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- McDonald-Kreitman testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean semi-squared differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean square errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean valueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Miller's jackknife testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimal sufficient statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing information principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modal valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moment coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Monte Carlo methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mood-Brown procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple decision methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-stage estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate analysis of variance tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative factorial multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested hypotheseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- neural networkwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- new better than used distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-adherencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central Wishart distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normalisation of frequency functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nugget effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- numerical taxonomywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oblique factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- observed at randomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oddswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- ordered categorizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- outcomewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- paired t-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parameter hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pareto-type distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial replacementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially linked block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partition of χ²was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pentad criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- percentage diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pictogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- Pollaczek-Spitzer identitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polykaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- principal components regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability weighted moments estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probable errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- product integralwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- progressively censored samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- provisional meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pseudo-values of the jackknifewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratic estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random effects modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized significance testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- range chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reciprocal scalingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rao-Blackwell theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rao-Kupper modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rayleigh distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lot quality protectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- LSD testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mahalanobis' generalized distancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- manifold classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- marginal classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- matching distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maverickwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 178 lists
- mean likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median effective dosewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median regression curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- M-estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimax robust estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MInimum Norm Quadratic Unbiased Estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed factorial experimentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixture distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- morphometricswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving average disturbancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-level continuous sampling planswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple Markov processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple phase processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiplicative processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate analysis of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate inverse hypergeometric distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nonlinear regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-parametric tolerance limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-random samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal scores testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normalising transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open-ended questionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- operating characteristicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthant probabilitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- over-identificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Paasche's indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial confoundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially balanced latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pattern functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- period of a statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- periodic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- permutation testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- plaid squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polyspectrawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- population geneticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- process average fraction defectivewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- p-valuewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- quadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- quality adjusted life yearwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random eventwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random sampling numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank scoreswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- longitudinal surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lyttkens' correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Marcinkiewicz's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- marked point processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- marker variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Marshall-Edgeworth-Bowley indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- matrix samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum F-ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- McNemar's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median absolute deviation : MADwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median survival timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mills' ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- modified mean square successive differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-binomial testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple record systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple smoothing methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-stage samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- NICwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- non-centrality parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-null hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal probability paperwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normalization of frequency functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nuisance parameterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- oblimaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open sequential schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- organic correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- p* formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parameter orthogonalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partially balanced linked block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pascal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pearson coefficient of correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalized estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- persistencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Petersburg paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson-Lexis distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pollaczek-Khintchine formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability masswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- probitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 8 lists
- problem of m-rankingswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- problem of the Nilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prognostic factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pseudo-spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- quasi-experimentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Radon-Nikodym theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random number generatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- random orthogonal transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rasch modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ratio delay methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- raw scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Marshall-Olkin distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- master samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- matched sampleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mellin transformwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of collective markswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of path coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mid-meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Minkowski's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed exponential response lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified exponential curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moment estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mosteller's k-sample slippage testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multilinear processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiplicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- multivariate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- multivariate Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate Tchebyshev inequalitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- network of sampleswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman-shortest unbiased confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-parametric delta methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-sampling errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- odds ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- operational research (br.)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optimal stopping rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 100 lists
- parameter of scalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parameter pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parametric hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- peak over thresholdwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- percentage pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- percolation processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- performance characteristicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- permissible estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point binomialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point of indifferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- posterior probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Potthoff's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predicated variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictive inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- projection pursuitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prospective studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pseudo-factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pure birth processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartimaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- queueing problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- radico-normal distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Raikov's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random componentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised fractional factorial designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank order statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rao's scoring testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rational trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- loop planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- loss functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- martingalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- matchingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- median F-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- medianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 19 lists
- method of scoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Metropolis-Hastings algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimax estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moment matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Moore-Penrose inversewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Morgenstern distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Moses' ranklike dispersion testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- most powerful critical regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving average methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving average processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-equational modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-valued decisionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate negative binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate Pareto distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative exponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- non-ignorable non-responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-recurrent statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- observable variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- observational errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ordinationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- oscillationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- outlier prone distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partition of chi-squaredwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- path analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- pay-off matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalised estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalised least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pitman's testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- PLSwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- power transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- prevalence ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- price relativewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- principal componentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- principle of parsimonywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- product moment correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proportional frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proportional hazards modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- purposive samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratic responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-Newton methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random impulse processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 97 lists
- randomisation testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ratio scalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lotka-Volterra equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Macaulay's formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- matching coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- measure of central tendencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- method of semi-averageswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum spanning treewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MLEwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 72 lists
- multiple bar chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multistate modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- natural conjugate priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative momentswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Newton-Raphson methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman-Pearson theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central t-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nonsense correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normal inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normalisation of scoreswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- occupancy problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- one-tailed testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- open-ended classeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optimum stratificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- orthogonal arrayswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- outlierswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- overall sampling fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overlapping sampling unitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- patchwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 45 lists
- Poisson-Dirichlet processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson-Pascal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya-Eggenburger distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- powerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 114 lists
- predictionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- preference tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Priestly's Lambda-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- principal coordinates analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 21 lists
- process with independent incrementswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- producer's riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- profile likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psi functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Q-techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantum indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-factorial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- radixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 20 lists
- random distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised significance testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- record linkagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Lomax distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lumped variance testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- long-time trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- lower order bias estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Markov renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum probability estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Maxwell distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean trigonometric deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- measure of locationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- medial testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mid-rank methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Miller distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimax regret principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum discrimination information statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum logit chi-squaredwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- missing plot techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed autoregressive-moving average processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- modified normal distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moment ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Moran's test statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- most powerful rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- MOSUM procedureswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-phase samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Murthy's estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mutabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- NBU distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nearly best linear estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- negative multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nested samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Newman-Keuls testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Neyman-Scott modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nonlinear correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-orthogonal datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-parametric confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- overviewswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Palm functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- patterned samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- penalized quasi-likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pitman efficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pitman estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- point bivariate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Poisson index of dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Politz and Simmons techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- power momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictive regression analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- priority queuingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability paperwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probit analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- procedural biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proportional odds modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proportional samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proximity analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pure random processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratic formwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantitative responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quartile variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-medianwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-random samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mann-Whitney testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- maximum entropy methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean absolute deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- mean directionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean residual lifewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mean square deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- median testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- M-estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- minimum chi-squaredwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixed modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mixture of distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- model IIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified binomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- modified profile likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Mood's W-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- mover-stayer modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving average modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving seasonal variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- moving summation processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multi-dimensional scalingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple factor analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multiple imputationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- multivariate L1-meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- nearest-neighbour clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- non-central χ² distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- normalization of scoreswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Normitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- observed information matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- optimum linear predictorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- order of interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Palm's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- parametric programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pareto curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial associationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- partial autocorrelationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- peakwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 47 lists
- Pearson criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Peek's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- perturbation techniqueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- p-functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- platykurtosiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Pólya-Aeppli distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- polycross designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pooling of classeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- predictorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- preference-field index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- pre-whiteningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probability samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- probit regression linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- proximity theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- psychological probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quadratwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- quadratic programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quality control chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantal responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quantitative datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-compact clusterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quasi-rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- quintileswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- random processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random sampling errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random walk processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised blockswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized fractional factorial designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank-weighted meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- random startwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomised modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- randomized modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rank transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- realizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- regression linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regular best asymptotically normal estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regular stationary point processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- renewal functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- resemblancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 13 lists
- residual sum of squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- residual waiting timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- Room's squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Roy's maximum root criteriawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second kind modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second law of Laplacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-logarithmic chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sensitive informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Shannon-Wiener indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sheppard's correctionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shrinkage estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- signed rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- similaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- simplex modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- singular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skew-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slope ratio assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sojourn timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman's rank correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- split plot designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spreadsheetwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- stable statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardized mortality ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strata chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strongly consistent estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subgroup confoundedwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subjective Bayesian inferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subsamplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- superpopulation modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- temporally continuous processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- terminal decisionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- test coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Theil's inequality coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Theil's mixed regression estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time lagwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- time serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- tolerance factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tree structured statistical methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- triangular designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- true regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- T-scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- two-dimensional Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type I samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type IV distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- UBDP testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unimodalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- unit stage samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- universewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 68 lists
- unweighted meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- upper control limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- U-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- value at riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variation flow analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- W test for Normalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighted least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- wrapped Cauchy distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Reed-Frost modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression dependencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regressogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regressorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejective samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- return timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- risk factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- risk ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- scale parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-stable lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- singular weighing designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- size and shapewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skew distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skip free processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- space-time clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specification errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral weight functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical variance functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- staircase designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardized variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stationary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 14 lists
- statistical graphicswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistics anxietywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Steiner's triple systemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stereologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Stevens-Craig distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic approximation procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic convergencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stratumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 38 lists
- superfluous variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supernormal dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supplementary informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survey methodologywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetric stable lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- synthesis of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- taboo probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tukey's quick testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tukey's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- twinned distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type I errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type III errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variable sampling fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wiener processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilks' internal scatterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wishart distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wold's Markov process of intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working originwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression quantilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative area of transvariationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- REMLwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- resampling procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- Robbins-Munro processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- saddle pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sample surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Satterthwaite's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- SB,SU distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scan statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- segmented regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selection biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sensitivity analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sensitivity datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- series-seriationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Smirnov-Birnbaum-Tingey distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smooth testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spatial systematic samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman's rhowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- square latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stable non-Gaussian distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stable Pareto distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stable process (distribution)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- standard Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistically equivalent blockwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- structural parameterswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentised M-estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentized rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Subrahmaniam's generalised contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- successive difference statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- super-martingalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- super-Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- systematic errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- testing of hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tetrachoric correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tong's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type I and II probabilitieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type VI distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type XI distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- typical characteristicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- UBCR estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformity trialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unrestricted random samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- upper quartilewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- U-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- virtual waiting time processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald's fundamental identitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Watson's UN² test Iwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- waveletswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- weak convergencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectified index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regenerative processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recurrence timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduction of datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative potencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative to an identified distribution analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reliabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- residual effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- resolvable balanced incomplete block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- risk functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling on successive occasionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- screening designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- S-curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- second limit theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second- stage unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sigmoidwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 17 lists
- simplex methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sizewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 26 lists
- snowball samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral distribution functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral windowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stable lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardized maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical quality controlwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stirling distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stratification after selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stratified samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strength of a testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strongly distribution freewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Subrahmaniam's generalized contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- superposed variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supersaturated designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survey designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tandem testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Terry's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tied double changeover designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- treatmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 22 lists
- triangular association schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- triangular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- triple comparisonswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-by-two frequency tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-phase regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-tailed testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type C distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type II distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- typical yearwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased critical regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- underdispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unit normal random variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- up and down methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vague priorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- van der Waerden's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vanity effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- von Mises expansionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- W statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- region of preferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression rank scoreswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regular Markov renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative efficiency (of a test)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- responsewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- right and wrong cases methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ripley's statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rutherford's contagious distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- saturationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- Scheffé's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Schuster periodogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- secular trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-stationary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential chi-squared testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential probability ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serially balanced sequencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seriolawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- short-term fluctuationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple random samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple tablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single sampling planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single tail testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- singly linked block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Skitovich-Darmois theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- species of Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specific ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard normal variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical tolerance limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stem and leaf diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stephan's iterative processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- STER distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- s-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic differentiabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subexponential distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sufficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 11 lists
- Sukhatme d-statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sum of squares about the meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- swindlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 55 lists
- systematic squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Terry-Hoeffding testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Thompson's rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time comparability factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transient statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transvariationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trimmed meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- true meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type E regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type II errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased minimum variance estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly best distance power testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unweighted means method (in analysis of variance)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance componentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance stabilising transformationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Voronoi polygonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald-Wolfowitz testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Watson's UN² test IIwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Watson-Williams testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectangular latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wicksell's equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wold's decomposition theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Youden squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule's hyperbolic distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectifying inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recurrent statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression equivariant estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 28 lists
- regular estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relaxed oscillationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- representative samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- residual variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selected points methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selection with equal probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-avoiding random walkswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sign testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simplex algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simplex centroid designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous tolerance intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skewnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- slippage testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smooth regression analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman-Kärber estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- split plot confoundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- split plot methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stereogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- stochastic modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- strictly stationary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- structural changeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- structural zeroswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentised confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentized confidence intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survey weightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- switchback designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- systematic statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- threshold theoremswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time reversal testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tolerance limitswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tolerancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- translation equivariant estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- triangular (singly or doubly) linked blockswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- T-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tukey's pocket testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type one counter modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unadjusted momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- union-intersection principlewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- von Mises distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighing designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Welch's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilks' empty cell testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wrapped normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectilinear trendwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recursive residualwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regretwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 65 lists
- rejection samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative frequencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- relative precisionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relvariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- repeated measures designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response metameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- retrospective change point problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- retrospective studywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- return periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- ridit analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- right-censoringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- robust estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rosenbaum's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rotationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- ruin problemswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scale equivariant estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seasonal variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- semi-invariantwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial dilution assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Siegel-Tukey testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- signed likelihood ratio statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- similar actionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simulation modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single-blindwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Slutsky-Yule effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardised deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardised variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stationary distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical literacywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stein's two sample procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- step-down procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strictly dominated estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strong convergencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- structural time-series modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentised rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Student's hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sturges' rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- substitute F-ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- substitute t-ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supportwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 59 lists
- surprise indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetric circular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrical distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrical testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 66 lists
- taboo statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- testing the constancy of regression relationships over timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tetrad differencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time without symptoms and toxicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- total time on test transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trace correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transition probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- t-ratio distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- treatment-period interactionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trinomial distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative efficiency (of a sample design)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- repeated surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reproducibilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- restricted randomisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Round Robin designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- R-techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling for attributewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling zeroswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scedastic curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scheme of hidden periodicitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Schwarz's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- score testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- score vectorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- secondary processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second-order stationarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-weighting samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-martingalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shortest confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- significance levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sinusoidal limit theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Slutsky processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- species of abundance problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specificitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- spent waiting timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- split test methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spreadwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- square root transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical hypothesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Student's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sub-Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sukhatme's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrically dependentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tail area (of a distribution)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Takacs processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- taxonometrywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- three-dimensional latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- three-stage least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ticket samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- traffic intensitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- transfer functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- trialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- triple latticewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type A distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type B serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type D regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type II samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- typical periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- union-intersection testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- univariate distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- upward biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- validationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 15 lists
- variable selectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance-covariance matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- variate difference methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Venn diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Westenberg's interquartile range testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- white noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 16 lists
- Wilcoxon's matched pairs rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilks' criterionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Winsorised estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- working probitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wrapped distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- truncationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 6 lists
- Tukey statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type A serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type B distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type V distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unitary samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- utility theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variable difference methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- volatilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- waiting timewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wedge planswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighting factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilks-Rosenbaum testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- windowwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 66 lists
- Yates's correctionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- region of indifferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reliability coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- renewal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- repetitionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 27 lists
- repetitive group sampling planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- return levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rhodes' distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rose diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample sizewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sample statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sandwich estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scatterplot matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-Markov processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 30 lists
- shape parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sigmoid curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- similar regionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple lattice designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Simpson's paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- simultaneous discrimination intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slowly varying functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smoothingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- snap reading methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- St Petersburg paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stability testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stationary populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Statistical Analysis Systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- stem and leaf displaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic disturbancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strong completenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- structural equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentised maximum absolute deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Student's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subsamplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survival functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- test of normalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- three-series theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tied rankswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time-dependent Poisson processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- travelling salesman problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- trimmed least squares estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- t-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- turning pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 5 lists
- type B regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type C regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- typewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 39 lists
- ultimate clusterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variable lot size planwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- vector correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wolfowitz minimum distance methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Woodbury distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectangular distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recurrent Markov chainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recursive systemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reference periodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- reference setwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regressandwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression diagnosticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection limitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative efficiency (of an estimator)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- replacement processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- residual treatment effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- restricted randomizationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- restricted sequential procedurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- root mean square errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- runswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 7 lists
- same order bias estimatorswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scatterplot smootherwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- score equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second-order analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sensitivity functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- separation theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sherman's test statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- similarity indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman-Brown prophesy formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 75 lists
- S-PLUSwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stabilization of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stacy's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardised mortality ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical numeracywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stein's paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic continuitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic dependencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- stochastic programmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic transitivitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic volatilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochasticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 105 lists
- stochastically larger or smallerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stresswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- structural equation modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 46 lists
- studentized maximum absolute deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- substitutionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- systematicwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- Taguchi methodswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- three-point assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- threshold modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transition intensitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- translation parameterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trend fittingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- triangular multiply linked block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tukey's gap testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-sided testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type XII distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniform sampling fractionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly better decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unique factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unlikelihood ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced maximum likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regular group divisible incomplete block designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- replicationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- robustnesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- root estimator (of a mean)was added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- roundingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- saddle point approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling framewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling momentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- second-order stationaritywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-correlation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential T² testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial linear rank statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shock modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simulatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- simultaneous equations modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous variance ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- singular value decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- size of a regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Snedecor's F-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spatial statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specific factorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical mean directionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical standard errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- splicingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- split half methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spurious correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stabilisation of variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stable Paretian distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardised regression coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Statistical Package for the Social Scienceswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical tolerance intervalwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stopping rulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strong law of large numberswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sympathy effectwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- systematic samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 51 lists
- time-dependent covariateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tolerance distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tolerance number of defectswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- total correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- triangle testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- trimmingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 9 lists
- type VIII distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ultrametric inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly most powerful testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- unitemporal modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Uspensky's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 43 lists
- variance ratio distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variate transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- vector alienation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald-Wolfowitz runs testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Walker probability functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Whittle estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yates's adjustmentwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yates's algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unreliabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- von Neumann's ratiowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weight biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 52 lists
- working meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wrapped Poisson distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recovery of informationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- refusal ratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression weightwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reversal designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- right angular designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scatter diagramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Schach's two-sample testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- seasonal fluctuationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selection with arbitrary probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-logarithmic graphwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semivariogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- sensitivity and specificitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- series queueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Shewhart control chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sieve estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simultaneous estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single-linkage clusteringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Slutsky's lemmawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smootherwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 4 lists
- Spearman's footrulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- specification biaswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral density functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spencer formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spline estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- SPSSwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- square contingencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard deviatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 29 lists
- stochastic integrabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic kernelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subnormal dispersionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- superposed processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survivor functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- systematic variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tchebychev-Hermite polynomialswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tightened inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time domainwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- total inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- treatment mean squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-phase samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type III distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unobserved confounderwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- up crosswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- U-shaped distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- value indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- waiting linewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighted index numberwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighted meanwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilson-Hilferty transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wn² testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yates-Grundy-Sen estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yates's correction for continuitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recursive algorithmwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejectable quality levelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response time distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reversal testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- root mean square deviationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- route samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample description spacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling with replacementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Satterthwaite's approximationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- score statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selection with variable probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-interquartile rangewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shot noisewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- simple abnormal curvewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simple structurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single factor theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- six point assaywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- size of a testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- smoothing powerwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- SMRwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- Spearman's ρwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spectral decompositionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherical normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spitzer's identitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardized regression coefficientswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stem and leaf plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stratificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 18 lists
- Student's t-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supplementary datawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- supplemented balancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetric samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrical factorial designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- symmetrical unequal block arrangementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- T-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- test for sphericitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- test statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tetrachoric functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- theoretical variablewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tobit modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transformation set of Latin squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- T-square testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tukey's q-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- TWISTwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-armed banditwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type II counter modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly minimum riskwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly most accuratewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variation coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 25 lists
- varimaxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Waring distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Weibull distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighted averagewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- weighted batterywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighted regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weighting coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wiener-Khintchine theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Winsorized estimationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- recurrence gamewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reference prior distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rejection regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- relative indexwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- replacementwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- resistant techniqueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- resolvable designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response surface designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- R-estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- return stateswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlowas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- roughness penaltywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- saturated modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scatter coefficientwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scatter plotwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scedasticitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- schedulewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 44 lists
- secondary unitwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential change point problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial sampling inspection schemeswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shapewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 35 lists
- significancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 23 lists
- simultaneous confidence intervalswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skew regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- slash distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Slutsky's theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Smirnov testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman two-factor theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman-Brown formulawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard measurewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standardised maximum likelihood estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Statawas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical decision functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical tolerance regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- statistical universewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- strategywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 49 lists
- studentisationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- superefficiencywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- synergywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 99 lists
- systematic designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tantileswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tillingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- tree regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- troughwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 37 lists
- two-factor theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-stage least squareswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-stage samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type C serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type I distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type IX distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type VII distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- UN² testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased errorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unbiased estimating equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- unequal subclasseswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniform distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniform scores testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- VaRwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- weight functionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Whittaker periodogramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Whittle distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- wide sense stationarywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Reed-Münch methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reflecting barrierwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regular statewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- remote sensingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- renewal processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- renewal theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- renewal theorywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- response surfacewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- restricted chi-squared testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Rice distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- ridge regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rotatable designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- R-processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Sacks' theoremwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- saddle point expansionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sampling designwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scattergramwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- self-conjugate Latin squarewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential tolerance regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- serial clusterwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Shapiro-Wilk testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Short distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shorth estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- significance pointwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- skew correlationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spatial point processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spheringwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- squariancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- staircase distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Stein-Chen methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stepwise regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic abundance modelswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stochastic comparison of testswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- studentized M-estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- surveywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 42 lists
- T²-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tandem queueswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tchebychev inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- theoretical frequencieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Thomas distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- two-way classificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type A regionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type I counter modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- UMP testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- urn modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Ward's methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- within-group variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilcoxon rank sum testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilcoxon signed rank testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilks-Lawley U1 statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wishart's modal analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rectangular association schemewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reduced form methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- regression estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reificationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 32 lists
- renewal densitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- restricted maximum likelihoodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- reversible relationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Riemann distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- right-truncationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- rotation samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample censuswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sample reusewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sandwich estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- SASwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- scree testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- screening inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- secretary problemwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sector chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- selection with probability proportional to sizewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-renewing aggregatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-similar processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- self-weighted samplewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- semi-normal distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- sequential analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- shock and error modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- simplex designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- single samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Spearman-Kärber methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- spherically symmetric distributionswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- staircase methodwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard error of estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- standard populationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- stationary stochastic processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- subjective probabilitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- submartingalewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- sub-serieswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- survival analysiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tajima's D statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- taxonomywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 76 lists
- t-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- temporally homogeneous processwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Thiessen polygonwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- time antithesiswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- total regressionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Tracy-Widom distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- transition matrixwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- tree-pruningwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type two counter modelwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- type X distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniform spectrumwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniformly best constant risk estimatorwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- uniquenesswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 10 lists
- unreduced designswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variables inspectionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variance ratio testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- variancewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 34 lists
- variatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- vital statisticswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 2 lists
- VN testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wald's classification statisticwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Watson's distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Watterson's mutation estimatewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wiener-Hopf techniquewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Wilcoxon's testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule's equationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- zero-sum gamewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 12 lists
- zonal polynomialwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- z-transformationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- z-testwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule's notationwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Zelen's inequalitywas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Zipf's lawwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- zone of preferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- zone of indifferencewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- z-distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Yule-Walker equationswas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- z-scorewas added by gulyasrobi and appears on 3 lists
- Yule-Simpson paradoxwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- zeta distributionwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- Z-chartwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
- zonal samplingwas added by gulyasrobi and appears on just this list
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