A list of 81 words by utarcher.
- orbital harmonywas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- ooliticwas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- ambientwas added by utarcher and appears on 67 lists
- metastablewas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- nacreouswas added by utarcher and appears on 109 lists
- orthorhombicwas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- aragonitewas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- subductionwas added by utarcher and appears on 15 lists
- metamorphosizing serpentineswas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- xenocrystwas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- hypersonic velocity eruptionswas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- magmaticwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- cryptocrystallinewas added by utarcher and appears on 10 lists
- concretionwas added by utarcher and appears on 10 lists
- vessicles in basaltic lavawas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- vugwas added by utarcher and appears on 22 lists
- septarian concretionwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- diamondiferouswas added by utarcher and appears on 5 lists
- crystallographywas added by utarcher and appears on 6 lists
- aventurescencewas added by utarcher and appears on 3 lists
- asterismwas added by utarcher and appears on 57 lists
- rutilewas added by utarcher and appears on 9 lists
- fibrouswas added by utarcher and appears on 20 lists
- amphiblewas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- irridescencewas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- plagioclasewas added by utarcher and appears on 5 lists
- anorthacitewas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- labradorescencewas added by utarcher and appears on 5 lists
- opalescencewas added by utarcher and appears on 24 lists
- potchwas added by utarcher and appears on 13 lists
- padparadschawas added by utarcher and appears on 6 lists
- hiddenitewas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- spodumenewas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- synthesizewas added by utarcher and appears on 17 lists
- fluorescencewas added by utarcher and appears on 15 lists
- nanometerwas added by utarcher and appears on 8 lists
- angstromwas added by utarcher and appears on 32 lists
- allochromaticwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- chromophorewas added by utarcher and appears on 3 lists
- ideochromaticwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- jadeitewas added by utarcher and appears on 15 lists
- nephritewas added by utarcher and appears on 8 lists
- karatwas added by utarcher and appears on 15 lists
- caratwas added by utarcher and appears on 22 lists
- hydrostaticwas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- flintywas added by utarcher and appears on 49 lists
- satinywas added by utarcher and appears on 8 lists
- phantomwas added by utarcher and appears on 77 lists
- lapidiarywas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- aggregateswas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- silkywas added by utarcher and appears on 29 lists
- resinouswas added by utarcher and appears on 14 lists
- vitreouswas added by utarcher and appears on 56 lists
- metallicwas added by utarcher and appears on 31 lists
- massivewas added by utarcher and appears on 43 lists
- micaceouswas added by utarcher and appears on 14 lists
- platywas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- inclusionwas added by utarcher and appears on 15 lists
- accicularwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- prismaticwas added by utarcher and appears on 64 lists
- botroydalwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- calcitewas added by utarcher and appears on 10 lists
- malachitewas added by utarcher and appears on 60 lists
- sapphirewas added by utarcher and appears on 97 lists
- feldsparwas added by utarcher and appears on 42 lists
- corundumwas added by utarcher and appears on 19 lists
- splinterywas added by utarcher and appears on 4 lists
- planarwas added by utarcher and appears on 14 lists
- cleavagewas added by utarcher and appears on 39 lists
- culetwas added by utarcher and appears on 7 lists
- cabochonwas added by utarcher and appears on 42 lists
- anhedralwas added by utarcher and appears on 3 lists
- subhedralwas added by utarcher and appears on 2 lists
- euhedralwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- crystallinewas added by utarcher and appears on 84 lists
- adamantinewas added by utarcher and appears on 96 lists
- lusterwas added by utarcher and appears on 73 lists
- conchoidalwas added by utarcher and appears on 18 lists
- birefractionwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- amygdaloidalwas added by utarcher and appears on just this list
- chatoyancywas added by utarcher and appears on 11 lists
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