
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A man who is a native or inhabitant of the Netherlands.
  • noun A man of Dutch ancestry.
  • noun Archaic A member of any of the Germanic peoples of central or northern Europe.
  • noun Northern & Western US A person of German ancestry.
  • noun Something used to conceal faulty construction.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun [lowercase] A layer of suet fastened with skewers into a roast of lean beef or mutton.
  • noun [lowercase] In lumbering, a short stick placed transversely between the outer logs of a load to divert the load toward the middle and so keep the logs from falling off.
  • noun A member of the Dutch race; a Hollander: in the United States often locally applied to Germans, and sometimes to Scandinavians.
  • noun [lowercase] A wooden block or wedge used to hide the opening in a badly made joint.
  • noun The ship commanded by this captain.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A native, or one of the people, of Holland.
  • noun (Bot.) a West Indian passion flower (Passiflora Murucuja); also, its fruit.
  • noun (Bot.) .

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A Dutch man; a man from the Netherlands.
  • noun US A nickname for President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • noun South Africa, derogatory, offensive, ethnic slur A white Afrikaner.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a native or inhabitant of Holland


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Dutch +‎ -man


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  • The Dutchman is known for his stern tackling, and it has made him one of the most successful of Manchester City's recruits since the money started flowing in.

    Football has a duty to disarm its human missiles Richard Williams 2010

  • "That's what the Flyin 'Dutchman thought," Jimmy assured him.

    Chapter 42 2010

  • The Dutchman is a ship and, like any ship, she needs a captain.

    365 tomorrows » 2009 » March : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day 2009

  • "He licked the Flyin 'Dutchman, an' you know HIM," Jimmy went on expostulating.

    Chapter 42 2010

  • Because as soon as you hear the word Dutchman -- which is an archaic word, nobody calls Dutch people Dutchmen anymore -- but as soon as you hear Dutchman, you get this picture of the kid with his finger in the dike, preventing the thing from falling and flooding Holland and so on.

    Milton Glaser on using design to make ideas new Milton Glaser 1998

  • Because as soon as you hear the word Dutchman -- which is an archaic word, nobody calls Dutch people Dutchmen anymore -- but as soon as you hear Dutchman, you get this picture of the kid with his finger in the dike, preventing the thing from falling and flooding Holland and so on.

    Milton Glaser on using design to make ideas new Milton Glaser 1998

  • Because as soon as you hear the word Dutchman -- which is an archaic word, nobody calls Dutch people Dutchmen anymore -- but as soon as you hear Dutchman, you get this picture of the kid with his finger in the dike, preventing the thing from falling and flooding Holland and so on.

    Milton Glaser on using design to make ideas new Milton Glaser 1998

  • "That's what the Flyin 'Dutchman thought," Jimmy assured him.

    Chapter 42 1908

  • "He licked the Flyin 'Dutchman, an' you know HIM," Jimmy went on expostulating.

    Chapter 42 1908

  • "Dutchman" -- as we English and American traders call all Teutons -- who was liked by the natives.

    The Strange Adventure Of James Shervinton 1902 Louis Becke 1884


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