
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun In botany, same as Œnothera.
  • noun The female of the wild ass or onager.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The female of the onager.
  • proper noun (Bot.) Same as Oenothera, a genus of plants consisting of the evening primrose.


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  • The species of the sub-genus _Onagra_ to which _Lamarckiana_ belongs were originally confined to America

    Hormones and Heredity J. T. Cunningham 1897

  • The genus _Oenothera_ is to a large degree devoid of varietal characteristics, especially in the subgenus _Onagra_, to which

    Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation Hugo de Vries 1891

  • Following this line backward or downward we reach another apparent mutation-period, which includes the origin of [709] the group called _Oenothera_, with a large number of species of the same general type as the _Onagra-forms, Still farther downward comes the old genus

    Species and Varieties, Their Origin by Mutation Hugo de Vries 1891

  • To be plain, Gerard, who never had a friend he did not master, had put his Onagra in harness.

    The Cloister and the Hearth Charles Reade 1849

  • State Rep. Shane Cultra, R-Onagra, said he would prefer to see spending cuts, but acknowledged tax increases could be coming.

    The Daily Journal Local News 2009

  • If I were in the same situation, I probably would have voted 'no' as well, "state Rep. Shane Cultra, R - Onagra, said.

    The Times Today's News 2009


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