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For as well the kynge as the people, ones vndrestandyng their foresawes, and knowyng the certeintie of their iudgemintes by former experience: shone the euilles, and are preste to attende vpon that, that is good.
Amonge these remained the knowledge of the onely and euerliuinge God, and the certeintie of the religion that was pleasaunte in his eies.
Rumney, Sandwich, and the residue should likewise finde twentie vessels a piece, then (as you shall anone see) the fiue Ports were subiect to a greater charge at that time then King Edward the first layd vpon them: And on the other side if they were onely chargeable after their proportion, then know I not how farre to burthen them, seeing the Record of Domesday it selfe bideth them to no certeintie.
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003
The next day the certeintie of the victorie more plainlie was disclosed, for all was quiet about, and no noise heard anie where: the houses appeared burning on ech side, and such as were sent foorth to discouer the countrie into euerie part thereof, saw not a creature stirring, for all the people were auoided and withdrawne a farre off.
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (4 of 8) The Fovrth Booke Of The Historie Of England Raphael Holinshed
Wherefore the bishop of Canturburie, to preuent other inconueniences likelie to insue, tooke vpon him to go vnto Rome, to vnderstand the popes pleasure concerning the truth and certeintie of this matter, and to require him in no wise to diminish the authoritie or to extenuat the prerogatiue of his sée of Canturburie, which hitherto vsed to determine all causes rising in his prouince.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I. Raphael Holinshed
Egelred woord of Swaines death, Edward king Egelreds eldest sonne commeth ouer into England to know the state of the countrie and people of certeintie; Egelred with his power returneth into England; what meanes Cnute made to establish himselfe king of this land, and to be well thought of among the English people, Egelred burneth vp Gainesbrough, and killeth the inhabitants therof for their disloialtie; Cnutes flight to Sandwich, his cruel decree against the
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (7 of 8) The Seventh Boke of the Historie of England Raphael Holinshed
[Sidenote: More certeintie from hence forth appeareth in the historie.] contrarie dooth not plainelie appeare, vnlesse we shall leane vnto presumptions: now are we come to the time in the which what actes were atchiued, there remaineth more certeine record, and therefore may we the more boldlie procéed in this our historie.
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) Raphael Holinshed
But after he once vnderstood the certeintie of the summe that he should paie for his ransome (which businesse he most attended) he sent one with letters by and by and in great hast into England to his treasurers, requiring them with all conuenient spéed to prouide monie, [Sidenote: _Polydor. _] and to send it to him by a day, that he might be set at libertie with spéed.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) Richard the First Raphael Holinshed
But whether Beline went ouer with his brother, and finallie returned backe againe, leauing Brennus behind him, as some write, or that he went not at all, but remained still at home whitest his brother was abroad, we can affirme no certeintie.
Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) Raphael Holinshed
As for the number that were slaine in this battell, there is none that declareth the certeintie: but yet it is reported by diuers writers, that no one battell in those daies was sorer fought, nor with greater bloudshed either in Normandie, or elsewhere.
Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (3 of 12) Henrie I. Raphael Holinshed
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