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At that moment, as the idea of my perils va - niftied, my little remaining flrengtb fprfook me: and fcarcely had I advanc - ed ten fteps on the high road, when I fell fenfelefs to the ground.
Emily de Varmont; or, Divorce dictated by necessity; to which are added, The amours of father ... 1798
Yea, that he Ihould love the fenfelefs, inanimate creatures, whether in the heaven above us, or, in the earth about us, is not ftrange; for,
Sermons and Other Practical Works: Consisting of Above One Hundred and Fifty Sermons Besides His ... 1796
But when, if, after all this godly geer Is not fo fenfelefs as it would appear;
The works of the British poets : with prefaces, biographical and critical 1795
Yes, Tinners, this is the melancholy reafon why you are fo thoughtiefs, fo unconcerned, fo fenfelefs about the God that made you; you are dead.
Mrs, Brit, Mercy be good unto me I am quite in an agony: Why, thou fenfelefs idiot, was ever a pair of dirty clogs brought on a plate?
A Collection of the Most Esteemed Farces and Entertainments, Performed on ... 1792
Learned, Sir, if you'd employ your pen Againft the fenfelefs fon of men,
When famine fucceeded to devaftation, was it the vengeance of God that produced it; or the fenfelefs fury of man F No — * The caufe of man's mifery is not to be fought in the heavens; it is nearer to him; it is on earth: it is not bidden in the bread of the Deity; it refides in man bimfelf, and its feat is his own heart..
The Monthly Review 1791
But 'tis not Gomez, 'tis not he whofe heart Is crufled o'er with drofs, whofe callous mind Is fenfelefs as his gold, the flighted Mufe Intenfely loaths.
The works of the English poets; with prefaces, biographical and critical 1790
Thefe, it feems, were fa - crifices to that fenfelefs log of an idol; and thefe three men priefts belonging to it; and the feventeen proftrated wretches were the people who brought the offering, and were making their prayers to that ftock,
The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Of York, Mariner. Who Lived Eight ... 1790
He told me vows no more were made To fenfelefs flone and wood.
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