
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Of or pertaining to isocracy; believing in isocracy.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective rhetoric Relating to Isocrates and his style of rhetoric.
  • adjective chemistry which resolves a solute using a solvent system that does not change composition during the run.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

After Isocrates (436-338 BCE)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Ancient Greek ἰσοκρατία ("equality of strength or power") +‎ -ic.


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  • Southey explains: it is my intention ‹ on › the basis of the isocratic system to erect my Madoc — when Peru was discovered by Pizarro the whole country was divided into three parts. the King & the

    The Allure of the Same: Robert Southey's Welsh Indians and the Rhetoric of Good Colonialism 2006

  • At any rate, an isocratic polity -- a polity where every one votes, and where every one votes alike -- is, in a community of sound education and diffused intelligence, a conceivable case of Cabinet government.

    The English Constitution Walter Bagehot 1851

  • This consisted of a Spectra-Physics 8810 isocratic pump.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Nadia G. Innamorato et al. 2010

  • Sunnyvale, CA, USA - Dionex Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the IonPac® AS22-Fast anion-exchange column designed for fast, isocratic separation of the common inorganic anions in simple sample matrices including drinking water, surface water, and groundwater, using carbonate eluents.

    D Mag - News 2010

  • Sunnyvale, CA, USA - Dionex Corporation is pleased to announce the release of the IonPac® AS22-Fast anion-exchange column designed for fast, isocratic separation of the common inorganic anions in simple sample matrices including drinking water, surface water, and groundwater, using carbonate eluents.

    D Mag - News 2010

  • The referendum process is the only true piece of pure isocratic democracy we Americans have, or at least those outside New England and Vermont (who sometimes have a similar governing system for villages and towns).

    ArchivesBlogs 2009

  • Intracellular Hcy and Cys were measured by high performance liquid chromathography with fluorimetric detection and isocratic elution.

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles 2009


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