
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun See Indian millet, under millet, and sorghum., 2. In the semi-arid regions of western Kansas and in other places Kafir-corn has become of great agricultural importance on account of its ability to resist drought. Some varieties—for example, red Kafir-corn—are adapted to use as forage; others, particularly that known as Jerusalem corn, furnish grain.
  • noun Indian millet, Sorghum vulgare, which is cultivated in parts of Africa as a cereal. See durra, sorghum.


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  • The annual rainfall on these mountains is as low as ten to fifteen inches, but irrigation of the valley lands is practised by means of impounded storm-water, and alfalfa and kafir-corn are commonly grown.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon 1840-1916 1913

  • It would be like plowing up the sage-brush to plant kafir-corn and millo-maize, because until such time, there is bound to be a part of my nature unworked.

    Lahoma 1913


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