
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A paradigm that assumes that it is the scientifically identified nutrients in foods that determine their value in the diet.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

nutrition +‎ -ism


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  • This chapter on eating patterns provides a nice counterpoint to the reductionism -- what Michael Pollan calls "nutritionism" -- of scientific discussion of diet and health.

    The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: 911 Is a Joke (Because It's Broke) The Media Consortium 2011

  • This chapter on eating patterns provides a nice counterpoint to the reductionism -- what Michael Pollan calls "nutritionism" -- of scientific discussion of diet and health.

    The Media Consortium: Weekly Pulse: 911 Is a Joke (Because It's Broke) The Media Consortium 2011

  • This chapter on eating patterns provides a nice counterpoint to the reductionism -- what Michael Pollan calls "nutritionism" -- of scientific discussion of diet and health.

    The Full Feed from The Media Consortium 2011

  • In his In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan pretty much debunked the tenets of what he called "nutritionism" - the idea that human nutrition could be reduced to a set of macronutrients (vitamin A, the B vitamins, etc.), which could then be isolated and fed to be people to keep them healthy.

    Grist - the Latest from Grist 2009

  • What really galls me about Healthy Choice is what it represents: the triumph of "nutritionism," that dubious dietary trend skewered by Michael Pollan in his bestseller In Defense of Food.

    Kerry Trueman: Nutritionism: The Numbers Game That Doesn't Add Up To Good Health 2009

  • In these humble lumps of protoplasm, Pollan sees salvation from the tyranny of "nutritionism" — the reductive science of identifying nutrients and adding them one by one to "fortify" industrial food products.

    Finding Meaning in Each Mouthful 2008

  • Echoes of Michael Pollan's warning against the evil of "nutritionism," the ideology that sees food only as the sum total of its nutrients.

    RELIGION Blog | 2008

  • We have come to look upon "nutritionism" as a valid means of determining (healthy) value in our diet; food has been reduced to its composition of good and bad nutrients, but are we really eating healthier? - Articles related to Food addiction 101: What is food addiction? 2010

  • The most starkly illustrative point Pollan made about the art of "nutritionism", as he called it, is that it is such a relatively new discipline:

    TreeHugger 2010

  • What really galls me about Healthy Choice is what it represents: the triumph of "nutritionism," that dubious dietary trend skewered by Michael Pollan in his bestseller


  • “Food as fuel” -- the phrase can be a warning signal that what you're about to hear or see or be sold is “nutritionism,” the reduction of food to its macro- and micro-nutritional components.

    "Food as Fuel": On Energy Gels Audrey Watters 2024


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