
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun India Bread.
  • noun cricket, informal Short for pavilion.
  • noun Australia, New Zealand, informal Short for pavlova.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Contraction of pavilion.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Contraction of pavlova. Australian from 1966.


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  • Every Vada pav is warmed in the microwave before serving.

    Batata Vada Odyssey Anjali 2008

  • Every Vada pav is warmed in the microwave before serving.

    Archive 2008-03-01 Anjali 2008

  • Anjali, can you kindly let me know what qty of water has been used as ingr list shows 1 1/2 and the directions mention add 2 cups of water ... sorry to bother you but your pics n my craving for mumbai pav is tempting me todo so!

    Mumbai Special Pao Anjali 2007

  • Finally, the "vada pav" is assembled by slicing some crusty chewy bread (I used hero rolls) horizontally, dabbing some garlic chutney on the bottom half, then tucking in a couple of fritters.

    Archive 2005-08-01 Nupur 2005

  • Vada pav is Bombay's answer to the ubiquitous burger, and this humble dish feeds millions of hungry people every day.

    Archive 2005-08-01 Nupur 2005

  • Frequently at C-bit show, enthusiasm of China pavilion doubled etc, but actual count of companies, generally, 70-80% at Cbit are Taiwan equity owned firms in Chinese pav.

    Archive 2006-04-01 Michael Turton 2006

  • Frequently at C-bit show, enthusiasm of China pavilion doubled etc, but actual count of companies, generally, 70-80% at Cbit are Taiwan equity owned firms in Chinese pav.

    Transcript: Seminar "FTAs and the Case for Taiwan" on Apr 13 at GWU Michael Turton 2006

  • As we approached the front, the long straight French roads gave way to winding narrow ways, frequently paved with cobble stones called pavé.

    On the Fringe of the Great Fight 1921

  • It consists of a batata vada - a spicy potato mixture made into a patty, coated with a seasoned batter and deep fried - sandwiched between bread called pav, and served with condiments such as coriander chutney, red chili powder or garlic paste.

    NYT > Home Page By NEHA THIRANI 2011

  • Norwegian Thor Hushovd of the Cervélo Test Team, angry about Monday's neutralized finish that cost him possible sprinter's points, won the teeth-rattling stage, some 8.2 miles of which were raced on what the French call pavé, to take the green jersey. Chronicle 2010

  • It skips over its historic and cultural significance: as a pav (a bun) dish, how pavs are a staple part of Maharastra’s urban, working-class food culture, how it’s a Portugese word that references the state’s history of colonial intervention, and how industrial histories in cities like Bombay & Pune have driven its ubiquity in the state’s food landscape.

    I HATE DISHOOM | The White Pube 2023


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