
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The operation of transferring the outline of a design from one surface to another, as from a cartoon to a wall or from a sheet of paper to a canvas or a piece of muslin, by perforating the surface on which the drawing has been made with small holes along the outlines, then laying it on the surface intended to receive the transfer and dusting over it with a pounce-bag, thus leaving a dotted repetition of the design. This may be fixed with a soft lead-pencil or a reed pen.
  • noun A pattern so produced.
  • noun Same as pounce, 3.
  • noun The act of punching holes in or perforating anything for ornament: same as pinking.
  • noun Any design or ornamental effect produced by holes.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun The art or practice of transferring a design by means of pounce.
  • noun obsolete Decorative perforation of cloth.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of pounce.
  • noun The art or practice of transferring a design by means of pounce.
  • noun Decorative perforation of cloth.


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