
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Producing or produced by fever.
  • adjective Caused by or generating heat.
  • adjective Of or relating to solid rock formed from molten rock; igneous.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • In geology, having an igneous origin; igneous.
  • noun A rock or mineral produced by the cooling of igneous magmas.
  • Producing fever.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective (Physiol.) Producing heat; -- said of substances, as septic poisons, which elevate the temperature of the body and cause fever.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective producing heat, especially in the body
  • adjective producing fever
  • adjective geology of a mineral formed from a magma at high temperature

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • adjective produced by or producing fever
  • adjective produced under conditions involving intense heat


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

pyro- + -genic


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  • The fragmentation of these pyrogenic communities and suppression of natural fire has resulted in changes to plant species composition and diversity.

    Apalachicola National Estuarine Research Reserve, Florida 2009

  • Forest fires, mining, reindeer herding, and small-scale logging followed by little to no replanting of harvested trees, has caused much of the area to regenerate into pyrogenic tundra landscapes rather than forests due to the underlying permafrost layers.

    Northeast Siberian taiga 2008

  • This, however, is not sufficient to establish the pyrogenic origin of all crystallized paraffine, as crystals can be obtained from the amorphous residues by distillation at normal or reduced pressure or in

    Scientific American Supplement, No. 711, August 17, 1889 Various

  • And the true black element, more numerically powerful, more fertile, more cunning, better adapted to pyrogenic climate and tropical environment, would surely win.

    Two Years in the French West Indies Lafcadio Hearn 1877

  • The ancient pyrogenic rocks which I found near Parapara where they rise in mounds with rounded summits, are the more remarkable as no others have hitherto been discovered in the whole eastern part of South America.

    Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America 1851

  • Manufactured from a US Pharmacopeia (USP) class VI polystyrene resin, BioLite products are sterile and non-pyrogenic, making the culture surfaces suitable for many standard cell lines. Featured News and Stories 2010

  • WACKER's pyrogenic silicas (HDK®) are ideal for imparting thixotropy, for reinforcing coating materials, printing inks, adhesives and sealants, for controlling powder flow and for many other applications.

    WebWire | Recent Headlines 2010

  • Alarmingly, since the 1980s S. pyogenes has been identified to be globally responsible for a class of emerging, life threatening, invasive infections including the "flesh-eating" disease, necrotizing fasciitis, septicemia, and the excretion of the pyrogenic exotoxin-associated toxic shock syndrome

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Michael D. L. Suits et al. 2010

  • It then provides information about bacterial pyrogens, "endogenous" pyrogenic cytokines, body temperature regulation and survival value of fever and its ubiquity, in order to enable readers to follow the CNS involvement.

    AvaxHome 2010

  • Manufactured from a US Pharmacopeia (USP) class VI polystyrene resin, BioLite products are sterile and non-pyrogenic, making the culture surfaces suitable for many standard cell lines. Featured News and Stories 2010


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