from The Century Dictionary.
- noun A kind of linen or lawn, manufactured at Rennes in France.
- An obsolete spelling of
reins .
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It's about finding an easy solution to a problem. kenposan beau. raines
Use Unplugged Earphones To Avoid Pesky Interruptions | Lifehacker Australia 2009
I mean how awesome is the desktop Cube or Cylinder! beau. raines:
Why Lifehacker Readers Switched to Linux | Lifehacker Australia 2008
Submit a Comment • Trackback (0) • Related Topics: barack obama, economy, mccain, raines
Re: Is This Really the Time for Politics? - Swampland - 2008
The ads work on a variety of levels, but the main text gets to bad judgment in the raines ad, bad associations in the Johnson and, and the latest ad gets to lack of leadership. all in all the McCain camp looks to me like it has taken lemons the resurgence of a bad economy which favors the Ds and make lemonade out of it.
So is Franklin Raines an Obama economic advisor or not? Ann Althouse 2008
October 7, 2008 at 8:34 am received email today claiming obamas top three financial advisors, franklin raines, tim howard, and jim johnson were all heavily responsible for the fannie mae and wall street disasters.and left with ridiculous amounts of money.what is the TRUTH?
Fighting Back: Stop the Smears | Barack Obama | positively Barack 2008
These sandes lie vnder 18. degrees, and you must passe betweene the coast of Guine and the sandes aforesaid, not going too neer eyther of them, otherwise close by the Coast there are great calmes, thunders, raines and lightnings, with great stormes, harde by the sands men are in daunger to be cast away: and so sayling on their course, first East South East, then East and East and by
The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003
And taking the raines of the chariot in his hands, he prepared him selfe to mounte vp.
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 William Painter
Gauntlets, so roughly, as they fel both down to the ground without losing, neuerthelesse, the raines of the bridles.
The Palace of Pleasure, Volume 1 William Painter
As much to say, God sheweth his power by the night raines.
The Arte of English Poesie George Puttenham
And raines come down to wette hys harde uncouthlie bedde.
The Rowley Poems Thomas Chatterton
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