
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of rhytide.


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  • Lines and furrows and wrinkles - clinically called rhytides - are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis. New Blogs and RSS Feeds 2010

  • Lines and furrows and wrinkles - clinically called rhytides - are typical of an ageing skin and are attributed to the irregular thickening of the dermis coupled with the decrease in the amount of water held by the epidermis. New Blogs and RSS Feeds 2010

  • Those creases in the top half of your face, the rhytides plowed across your forehead and around your eyes, this is dynamic wrinkling, also called hyperfunctional facial lines, caused by the movement of underlying muscles.

    Diary Palahniuk, Chuck 2003

  • Most wrinkles in the lower half of the face are static rhytides, caused by sun and gravity.

    Diary Palahniuk, Chuck 2003

  • The Lux2940 is FDA cleared for skin resurfacing and treatment of wrinkles, rhytides, furrows, fine lines, textural irregularities, pigmented lesions, and vascular dyschromia. - Top Stories 2009

  • "Not so long ago, those wrinkles (or transverse forehead rhytides, as plastic surgeons and dermatologists call them) might have been thought of as masculine signs of wisdom or maturity."

    The Latest on Air America 2008

  • Leaning in so close she can see the face powder in Grace’s wrinkles, her rhytides, and the red spidery lines where Grace’s lipstick bleeds into the wrinkles around her mouth, Misty says, “Just stop lying to her or I swear I’ll pack my bags and take Tabbi off the island tomorrow.”

    Diary Palahniuk, Chuck 2003

  • Tabbi, who’s twelve now with lateral canthal rhytides around her eyes from crying.

    Diary Palahniuk, Chuck 2003


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