
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun An avalanche; also, any mass of snow sliding down an incline, as a roof.
  • noun In lumbering, a temporary slide on a steep slope, made by dragging a large log through deep snow which is soft or thawing. When frozen solid, the track may be used to slide logs to a point at which they can be reached by sleds.


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  • In the distance, a great white mass lazily rose, and rising higher and higher, and disentangling itself from the azure, at last gleamed before our prow like a snow-slide, new slid from the hills.

    Squidpunk…It Might Just Be Go-Time?… 2010

  • In the second act, Hulk and the humans separately stumble upon different parts of the Louvre, recently uncovered via a snow-slide from its icy entombment.

    Review: Glacial Period David S. Carter 2008

  • In the second act, Hulk and the humans separately stumble upon different parts of the Louvre, recently uncovered via a snow-slide from its icy entombment.

    Archive 2008-03-01 David S. Carter 2008

  • In the distance, a great white mass lazily rose, and rising higher and higher, and disentangling itself from the azure, at last gleamed before our prow like a snow-slide, new slid from the hills.

    Moby Dick; or the Whale 2002

  • He describes a calm day when a great white mass rose out of the sea 'like a snow-slide, new slid from the hills.'

    The Wind from The Sun Clarke, Arthur C. 1962

  • He took hold of the ropes at the front of the snow-slide and ran them over his shoulders.

    Five Get Into A Fix Blyton, Enid, 1898?-1968 1958

  • The snow-slide was like a long, flat cart with runners instead of wheels - an elongated sleigh.

    Five Get Into A Fix Blyton, Enid, 1898?-1968 1958

  • Morgan went first, pulling the big snow-slide easily.

    Five Get Into A Fix Blyton, Enid, 1898?-1968 1958

  • Carlota Juanita stood in the door, waving to us as long as we could see her, and Manuel P.F. sat with Mr. Stewart to guide us around the snow-slide.

    Letters of a Woman Homesteader Elinore Pruitt Stewart

  • The whole way was blocked, and what to do we didn't know, for the horses could hardly be gotten along and we could not pass the snow-slide.

    Letters of a Woman Homesteader Elinore Pruitt Stewart


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