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  • It has come to me in all the multitude of tongues that Babel bequeathed to earth, and flavored with whiskey, brandy, beer, cologne, sozodont, tobacco, garlic, onions, grasshoppers -- everything that has a fragrance to it through all the long list of things that are gorged or guzzled by the sons of men.

    Roughing It, Part 2. Mark Twain 1872

  • It has come to me in all the multitude of tongues that Babel bequeathed to earth, and flavored with whiskey, brandy, beer, cologne, sozodont, tobacco, garlic, onions, grasshoppers -- everything that has a fragrance to it through all the long list of things that are gorged or guzzled by the sons of men.

    Roughing It Mark Twain 1872

  • It has come to me in all the multitude of tongues that Babel bequeathed to earth, and flavored with whiskey, brandy, beer, cologne, sozodont, tobacco, garlic, onions, grasshoppers -- everything that has a fragrance to it through all the long list of things that are gorged or guzzled by the sons of men.

    Roughing It 1871


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