
from The Century Dictionary.

  • put upon a spit; thrust through, as if with a spit; impaled.
  • Spiked, or shot out to a point like a spit or bodkin, but without tines or branches: said of the antlers of a deer.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • obsolete p. p. of spit, v. i., to eject, to spit.
  • adjective Put upon a spit; pierced as if by a spit.
  • adjective Shot out long; -- said of antlers.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb nonstandard Simple past tense and past participle of spit. (expectorate, etc, Etymology 2)
  • verb Simple past tense and past participle of spit. (Etymology 1)


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See spit ("expectorate") (Etymology 2)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See spit ("impale")


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  • The common name of "cow-spit," with the implied indignity to our "rural divinity," becomes singularly ludicrous when we observe not only the frequent generous display of the suds samples, thousands upon thousands in a single small meadow, but the further fact that each mass is so exactly landed upon the central stalk of grass or other plant -- "spitted" through its centre, as it were.

    My Studio Neighbors William Hamilton Gibson 1873

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010

  • This caused jamming, digging out with a pocket knife, and a whole lot of cussing while my friends continued raining down ducks, as I spitted out my choice words at Winchester.

    Phil Bourjaily Picks The Best New Shotguns for 2010 2010


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