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  • For in a siege it is the length of time and expense; in open assault it is doubtful and dangerous; in a conspiracy it is uncertitude.

    Discourses 2003

  • I say "my anxiety," I imply uncertitude, but I felt the truth in my marrow long before we made that fateful turn; I knew what we would find.

    An East Wind Coming Cover, Arthur Byron 1979

  • I have the impression that Alperovitz attributes my uncertitude about various hypothetical "options" to my wish to spare friends or former associates.

    Diplomatic Historian Feis, Herbert 1967

  • If disagreements terminating in strikes and lock-outs remained as numerous as they are at present, there would result both for the producer and consumer a condition of perilous and perhaps intolerable uncertitude.

    The Promise of American Life Herbert David Croly 1899

  • "Is it the part of manhood to persecute a woman, Mr. Law?" she asked, her own uncertitude now showing in her tone.

    The Mississippi Bubble Emerson Hough 1890

  • But pardon me, I entreat you and listen to me: do not turn away from me; do not be impatient; you may easily intimidate me into silence, but my heart is bursting, nor can I willingly consent to endure for one moment longer the agony of uncertitude which for the last four months has been my portion.

    Mathilda Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 1824

  • as someone who phone called for obama yesterday morning in st. paul, minnesota, i heard over & over from many democrats that, yes, they were voting for obama, but they were not sure about franken & that uncertitude was leading them to support the 3rd party candidate.

    Senate Races: Minnesota Recount - The Caucus Blog - 2008


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