
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • adjective Not doubted or questioned; accepted.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable.
  • Not filled with doubt, apprehension, fear, or the like; hence, confident; bold; fearless; redoubted.
  • Not being an object of doubt or suspicion; unsuspected.
  • Undoubtedly.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Not doubted; not called in question; indubitable; indisputable.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective Without doubt; without question; certain.


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  • Now this forensic family and the moral family are supposed, both together, to be derived from the Sanscrit radical dik, which means to show, and is the undoubted root of the Greek word deiknumi, which also means to show.

    The Vicarious Sacrifice, Grounded in Principles of Universal Obligation. 1802-1876 1871

  • Board, and drew a salary of three hundred and fifty pounds a year from the resources of his country; but when, in addition to this source of official wealth, he became known as the undoubted possessor of a hundred and twenty-eight shares in one of the most prosperous joint-stock banks in the metropolis, which property had been left to him free of legacy duty by the lamented nobleman above named, then Mr

    The Last Chronicle of Barset Anthony Trollope 1848

  • Before this, John Eames had not been a very poor man, as he filled the comfortable official position of the private secretary to the Chief Commissioner of the Income – Tax Board, and drew a salary of three hundred and fifty pounds a year from the resources of the country; but when, in addition to this source of official wealth, he became known as the undoubted possessor of a hundred and twenty-eight shares in one of the most prosperous joint-stock banks in the metropolis, which property had been left to him free of legacy duty by the lamented nobleman above named, then Mr John

    The Last Chronicle of Barset 2004

  • In 1973 she lost custody of her daughter Emma, not because of her drinking, but because of what the judge called her "undoubted ambition".

    The Saturday interview: Anne Robinson on leaving Weakest Link 2011

  • It reflects part of reality-namely the undoubted reversal of emphasis from war limited in space, scope, and objectives to global strife for grandiose ends, using means beyond those permitted before 1914.

    One Bite At A Time 1953

  • To such a man, as he recalls the undoubted wrongs done the

    The Indian Question (1874) Francis Amasa Walker 1868

  • The unexpected tone and tenor of Gascoyne's remark had softened him slightly; but, recalling the undoubted proofs that he had had of his really being a pirate, he soon steeled his heart against him.

    Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader 1859

  • The unexpected tone and tenor of Gascoyne's remark had softened him slightly; but, recalling the undoubted proofs that he had had of his really being a pirate, he soon steeled his heart against him.

    Gascoyne, The Sandal-Wood Trader A Tale of the Pacific 1859

  • Do you think there will be some kind of undoubted interruption in the flow of oil into the United States because it's hitting this particular area?

    CNN Transcript Aug 31, 2008 2008

  • Mr Hattingh quoted the ANC chairman's testimony that eyewitnesses had given him names of police involved in the attack, and also his affirmation that at the time of the alleged attack he still had "undoubted" trust in the police.

    ANC Daily News Briefing 1993


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