
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun The fictional world, or universe, which serves as the setting for the television series Angel.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Blend of Angel and universe or, possibly, Angel +‎ 'verse


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  • On a side note, I noticed you have Danny Strong coming up in "The Snow Job" (who I know from Buffy) and I also believe I saw the guy who played Holland Manners from Angel (I don't know his real name) and I have to say, with them two and Christian, it's like a Buffy/Angelverse reunion for me, and I'm excited. xD

    LEVERAGE: It's Practically a Single Entendre Rogers 2009

  • And seeing him and Eliza together - makes my little Angelverse heart jump for joy:)

    Whedonesque | a weblog about Joss Whedon 2009


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