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  • 'And I shall always sign myself "Cymon" in future,' said his son.

    Sketches by Boz, illustrative of everyday life and every-day people Charles Dickens 1841

  • She had told Mr. Esmond this little story of having met a gentleman somewhere, and forgetting his name, when the gentleman, with no such malicious intentions as those of "Cymon" in the above fable, made the answer simply as above; and we all laughed to think how little Mistress

    The History of Henry Esmond, Esq. A Colonel in the Service of Her Majesty Queen Anne William Makepeace Thackeray 1837

  • Joe 'Cymon' Larson finally reveals his upcoming text-only indie 'de-make' of Valve's Portal, in ASCII (appropriately titled ASCIIpOrtal).

    Megite Technology News: What's Happening Right Now 2009

  • The dismayed Cymon concealed himself behind the curtain with pantomimic suddenness.

    Sketches by Boz 2007

  • ‘And I shall always sign myself “Cymon” in future,’ said his son.

    Sketches by Boz 2007

  • There was an impressive solemnity in the tone of this address, and in the air with which the romantic Cymon, at its conclusion, rang the bell, and demanded a flat candlestick, which effectually forbade a reply.

    Sketches by Boz 2007

  • Cymon, as two strongly – defined tears chased each other down his pale face — it was so long that there was plenty of room for a chase.

    Sketches by Boz 2007

  • Hanc ubi conspicatus est Cymon, baculo innixus, immobilis stetit, et mirabundus, &c. 5505.

    Anatomy of Melancholy 2007

  • ‘Oh, Cymon!’ resumed Belinda, ‘the chaste delight, the calm happiness, of this one week of Platonic love, is too much for me!’

    Sketches by Boz 2007

  • Cymon was about to suggest that it was too little for him, but he stopped himself, and murmured unintelligibly.

    Sketches by Boz 2007


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