
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • proper noun humorous California (state of the United States)
  • proper noun An ancient Roman festival in honor of the goddess Fornax. Romans burned spelt (a kind of grain) as an offering on or around February 17th as an offering so that their ovens would not burn during the coming year.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Presumably a phonetic reversal of California, chosen to resemble fornication and to end with -alia (a common word ending found sometimes in geographical names, like Sedalia, perhaps also chosen because it ends genitalia and causes Fornicalia to match that word in meter and rhyme).


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  • This was a festival of the populus as a whole, and also of each Curia, like the Fornicalia in February.

    The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus W. Warde Fowler 1884

  • Yes, Prop 8 was struck down in Fornicalia by ONE federal judge.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2010

  • But first, I'd like to briefly cover a local situation in Fornicalia wherein a

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2009

  • It's off to the coast of Fornicalia with BZ, in honor of my wife's 39th birthday.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2009

  • A major central Fornicalia law enforcement agency (of which I am familiar) must, due to lack of cash, cut its complement of deputies back to 1970s levels:

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2009

  • I think there's another one coming to Sacramento, Fornicalia also, but I'm not 100\% sure of that ...

    TexasFred's 2009

  • A man who works in Sacratomato, Fornicalia made, evidently, the very serious error of both donating money to the Yes On 8 campaign and being a member of an artistic clan.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2008

  • A man who works in Sacratomato, Fornicalia made, evidently, the very serious error of both donating money to the Yes On 8 campaign and being a member of an artistic clan.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2008

  • But that's okay because my wife and I were on the road, driving to the Fornicalia coast, looking forward to spending time with only each other this weekend, overlooking the spume-filled green and blue waves, sitting in the room's Jacuzzi tub, adjacent the fireplace.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2008

  • Yes, that's correct; my lovely wife, completely cognizant of the fact that the Electoral College plays a huge part in the presidential election, threw another registration for the GOP into the mix, and took a number away from the Demorats in the state of Fornicalia.

    Bloviating Zeppelin 2008


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