Nintendo Entertainment System love

Nintendo Entertainment System


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  • At this point in the story, you're expecting to hear that the Nintendo Entertainment System was a huge surprise hit, flew off the shelves and sent retailers into a frenzy begging for more.

    Wired Top Stories Chris Kohler 2010

  • Even though the home-gaming industry crashed in 1983, thanks to a glut of terrible games—Atari infamously buried millions of its unsellable "Pac-Man" and "E.T." cartridges in a New Mexico landfill—Nintendo resurrected it in 1985 with its Nintendo Entertainment System.

    Mario's Many Fathers James Kennedy 2011

  • Running a company that began in 1889 as a maker of playing cards, he brought out something called the Family Computer home console in 1983, released later in the U.S. as the Nintendo Entertainment System.

    Odd Couple Behind Nintendo 3-D Push Daisuke Wakabayashi 2011

  • The Super Mario Bros. game, released on the Nintendo Entertainment System, is not longer bound to the television size and get interactive with a new environment.

    Super Mario Bros. on Vimeo 2010

  • What would the jazz masters sound like on a Nintendo Entertainment System?

    Kind of Bloop: An 8-Bit Tribute to Miles Davis - 2009

  • Despite its lack of practical uses, World 9 is probably the best reason to buy an iPhone for anyone who grew up during the Nintendo Entertainment System era of video gaming.

    Five *Free* iPhone Apps Every Geek Must Download 2009

  • What would the jazz masters sound like on a Nintendo Entertainment System? May 2009 Archives 2009

  • Even to this day, the Nintendo Entertainment System remains the most influential game system ever created.

    The Middle Children Of History present The 15 Greatest Gaming Consoles Of All Times (According To Us) Dart Adams 2009

  • Listen to what the man says: What would the pioneers of jazz sound like on a Nintendo Entertainment System?

    Archive 2009-07-01 spacesick 2009

  • Listen to what the man says: What would the pioneers of jazz sound like on a Nintendo Entertainment System?

    Kind of Bloop: An 8-Bit Tribute to Miles Davis spacesick 2009


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