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Royal Humane Society


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  • 'Royal Humane Society's apparatus for the recovery of persons apparently drowned or dead, accompanied with directions for the proper treatment of such cases.'

    The Hero of the Humber or the History of the Late Mr. John Ellerthorpe Henry Woodcock

  • Mark Twain and others had recommended him for a medal from the Royal Humane Society of England.

    Mark Twain Ron Powers 2005

  • Mark Twain and others had recommended him for a medal from the Royal Humane Society of England.

    Mark Twain Ron Powers 2005

  • But what I do plead for, earnestly and sincerely, is that the Royal Humane Society will remember our captain and our life-boat crew, and in so remembering them increase the high honor and esteem in which the society is held all over the civilized world.

    Mark Twain: A Biography 2003

  • Clemens prepared a graphic report of the matter for the Royal Humane Society, asking that medals be conferred upon the brave rescuers, a document that was signed by his fellow-passengers and obtained for the men complete recognition and wide celebrity.

    Mark Twain: A Biography 2003

  • There is nothing more wanting than to propose the establishment of a Royal Humane Society for the resuscitation of flies apparently drowned or suffocated.

    The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 346, December 13, 1828 Various

  • And although he is very shy of showing them, I think Dick is rather proud of his two medals: one of the country where the courageous act was performed, and that other of dull bronze which the Royal Humane Society presents to England's brave sons and daughters.

    Chatterbox, 1905. Various

  • Mayor, and upwards of sixty of the leading ministers, merchants, and gentlemen of Hull, was forwarded to the Royal Humane Society: --

    The Hero of the Humber or the History of the Late Mr. John Ellerthorpe Henry Woodcock

  • Jonathan received the medal of the Royal Humane Society for his bravery in plunging overboard to David's assistance; and the two boys are still the closest and dearest friends in the world, David being third mate, and Jonathan, who took to the sea for the other's sake, fourth officer of the _Sea Rover_, at the present moment, "which, when found," as

    Picked up at Sea The Gold Miners of Minturne Creek

  • We are glad to know that the Royal Humane Society rewarded these brave children for their noble heroism.

    Little Folks A Magazine for the Young (Date of issue unknown) Various


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