
from The Century Dictionary.

  • Of or pertaining to a priori cognition, or to apriorism.
  • noun One who believes in the existence of a priori cognition in the Kantian sense of the term. See a priori.


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  • Perhaps a third category is needed, apriorist-harriers.

    The moral law and the rendered world 2008

  • The man - machine was held to be a logically valid notion not because it expressed any apriorist truth about human nature, but on the strength of induction from verifiable psychophysical data.

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas ARAM VARTANIAN 1968

  • His statement is too apriorist to be quite trustworthy.

    Philip Massinger Thomas Stearns 1920

  • When science attains to results which conflict with their apriorist ideology, they revolt with all their power.

    Political Parties; a Sociological Study of the Oligarchical Tendencies of Modern Democracy 1916

  • Both skeptic and apriorist have to test the desire of the witness to lie, but only the skeptic needs to test the witness's ability to tell the truth and his possession of sufficient understanding to reproduce correctly; to examine closely his innumerable inferences from analogy, experience and observation.

    Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students 1911

  • Having thus destroyed the particular, he is able to show you as the result of this process, final in appearance, but in reality preconceived and apriorist, one measurement for all feet, one garment for all bodies.

    Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic Benedetto Croce 1909

  • He therefore proceeds to define Aesthetic on apriorist principles, which, he remarks, can be discarded when we shall have obtained the complete theory, in like manner with the scaffolding that has served for the erection of a house.

    Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic Benedetto Croce 1909

  • Where Herder (together with Hamann) is more original is in rejecting the Rationalists 'reduction of sensation and volition to cognition; establishing the unity thesis in an empirical rather than apriorist way; and adding a normative dimension to it ” this is not only how the mind is but also how it ought to be.

    Johann Gottfried von Herder Forster, Michael 2007

  • The serious-flippant reader, tackling Mr. ELLIOT'S elaborate and acute analyses, may get an impression of an obstinate old apriorist, a sort of White Knight of Philosophyland, with all manner of reasoned-out "inventions" at his saddle-bow (labelled

    Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, March 7, 1917 Various


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