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  • He was so worked up over my explanation of unrest (a mental status) through instinct-balkings other than sex, that he asked if I would consider using his big psychopathic ward as a laboratory field for my own work.

    An American Idyll The Life of Carleton H. Parker Cornelia Stratton Parker

  • He was so worked up over my explanation of unrest (a mental status) through instinct-balkings other than sex, that he asked if I would consider using his big psychopathic ward as a laboratory field for my own work.

    An American Idyll Parker, Cornelia Stratton, 1885- 1919

  • Next day: "Had a remarkable visit with Dr. Gregory this A.M. He is one of the greatest psychiatrists in New York and up on balkings, business tension, and the mental effect of monotonous work.

    An American Idyll The Life of Carleton H. Parker Cornelia Stratton Parker

  • Next day: “Had a remarkable visit with Dr. Gregory this A.M. He is one of the greatest psychiatrists in New York and up on balkings, business tension, and the mental effect of monotonous work.

    An American Idyll Parker, Cornelia Stratton, 1885- 1919


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