
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • preposition Apart from the occurrence of; excepting.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • Excepting; leaving out of the account; apart from: as, barring accidents, I shall be there.
  • noun In mining, timber used for supporting the roof or sides of shafts.
  • noun In machine-sewing, the sewing of a decorative bar or tack upon a fabric or upon leather, the bar being composed of a series of long stitches crossed by short stitches. Sometimes called tacking. See buttonholemachine.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of bar.
  • noun the exclusion of someone; blackballing
  • preposition Unless something happens; excepting; in the absence of

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto


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  • Stipulate at the outset — as most folks seem to — that barring extraordinary circumstances (unambiguous libel, incitement to harrassment) Americans have a clear constitutional right to anonymous speech and that, again barring exceptional circumstances, other Americans have an equal First Amendment right to name them if they happen to be privy to that information.

    Pseudonymity & Accountability Redux 2009

  • P&G case — economic interest in barring newspaper from publishing harmful information was insufficient to justify suppression.

    Archive 2009-04-01 Rebecca Tushnet 2009

  • Its independence and competence are both highly debatable, with its role in barring largely Sunni candidates from the March election evidence of a confused sense of loyalty to a fractured national ideal.

    James Denselow: Justice or Revenge - The Trial of Tariq Aziz James Denselow 2010

  • Its independence and competence are both highly debatable, with its role in barring largely Sunni candidates from the March election evidence of a confused sense of loyalty to a fractured national ideal.

    James Denselow: Justice or Revenge - The Trial of Tariq Aziz James Denselow 2010

  • Evolution issues will continue to be resolved at the state court level ... in short, barring unspeakable terrorist acts or some sort of natural disaster, the next four to eight years are going to look a lot like right now, but with more science guys hanging around in government offices and nominally fewer closeted-gay sex scandals in politics.

    Archive 2008-10-26 Rogers 2008

  • The court's gag order is very specific in barring only the EFF, its representatives and its technical experts from discussing and disseminating this information.

    Archive 2006-05-01 Nick Anthis 2006

  • The court's gag order is very specific in barring only the EFF, its representatives and its technical experts from discussing and disseminating this information.

    Wired Magazine Takes On "The Man" Nick Anthis 2006

  • Evolution issues will continue to be resolved at the state court level ... in short, barring unspeakable terrorist acts or some sort of natural disaster, the next four to eight years are going to look a lot like right now, but with more science guys hanging around in government offices and nominally fewer closeted-gay sex scandals in politics.

    What Happens When Socialism Doesn't Come? Rogers 2008

  • Oh, ermined Judge whose duty to society is, now, to doom the ragged criminal to punishment and death, hadst thou never, Man, a duty to discharge in barring up the hundred open gates that wooed him to the felon's dock, and throwing but ajar the portals to a decent life!

    Dickensian Verse Jaime J. Weinman 2004

  • I don't believe the answer lies in barring foreign investment.

    Canada—A Nation or a Satellite 1964


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