
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A seaweed, Fucus vesiculosus: so named from the floating-vesicles in its fronds. Also called bladder-kelp, sea-oak, and sea-wrack. See Fucus.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun similar to and found with black rockweed.
  • noun common black rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Fucus vesiculosus, a seaweed in which iodine was first discovered.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a common rockweed used in preparing kelp and as manure
  • noun similar to and found with black rockweed


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  • Fucus Vesiculosus, or bladderwrack is a seaweed rich in iodine, which, if used in safe quantities, can prevent under-active thyroid in the same way iodized salt does.

    The Pink Patch - Irresponsible Advertising on My Space aka TBTAM 2008

  • Fucus vesiculosus, a seaweed also known as bladderwrack, gets a " C " grade as a diet aid from Natural Standard Research Collaboration, a Cambridge, Mass., scientist-owned group that evaluates natural therapies .

    Do Patches Help Weight Loss? Laura Johannes 2010

  • Seaweeds such as bladderwrack can become contaminated with heavy metals.

    eHow - Health How To's 2010

  • I tried to content myself with the things that washed up from the sea and tangled in the cage of my roots - kelp and bladderwrack, crabs and mollusks.

    Valentines, part the first mllelaurel 2009

  • Finally, bladderwrack can be contaminated with dangerous heavy metals if it is harvested from contaminated waters.

    The Pink Patch - Irresponsible Advertising on My Space aka TBTAM 2008

  • Who knows where the pink patch gets its bladderwrack?

    The Pink Patch - Irresponsible Advertising on My Space aka TBTAM 2008

  • In addition, research has found that bladderwrack can cause menstrual cycle changes and possibly kidney damage at high doses.

    The Pink Patch - Irresponsible Advertising on My Space aka TBTAM 2008

  • You see this is exactly what happens when you are employed in the caring professions and something goes all pear-shaped at work and you have to sort it or you won't sleep, so you wash up on the shores of home late in the evening feeling like a bit of old bladderwrack (is that seaweed or an illness?).

    48 entries from October 2007 2007

  • You see this is exactly what happens when you are employed in the caring professions and something goes all pear-shaped at work and you have to sort it or you won't sleep, so you wash up on the shores of home late in the evening feeling like a bit of old bladderwrack (is that seaweed or an illness?).

    Belated Buy A Friend A Book week! 2007

  • You see this is exactly what happens when you are employed in the caring professions and something goes all pear-shaped at work and you have to sort it or you won't sleep, so you wash up on the shores of home late in the evening feeling like a bit of old bladderwrack (is that seaweed or an illness?).

    Belated Buy A Friend A Book week! 2007

  • “There are 350 species of seaweed in Denmark,” he said, “and 50 of them are types of bladderwrack – the best seaweed in the world!”

    Fjords and seaweed safaris: a new cycle trail along Denmark’s east coast Dixe Wills 2024


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