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  • His scrapings, blottings, wipings, and scratchings of the wet paint created dreamlike visions of light and color unlike anything that had gone before take a look at The Fighting Temeraire.

    American Connections James Burke 2007

  • His scrapings, blottings, wipings, and scratchings of the wet paint created dreamlike visions of light and color unlike anything that had gone before take a look at The Fighting Temeraire.

    American Connections James Burke 2007

  • Along the underside of the great woods, and in the turn of the valleys, shadows lingered, which were less actual shadows than blottings of blue light.

    The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance Lucas Malet 1891

  • They reached to the lower edge of the stonework merely, leaving blottings of impenetrable shadow below.

    The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance Lucas Malet 1891

  • Here and there were blottings of dark shadow cast by the clumps or avenues of trees.

    The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance Lucas Malet 1891

  • He had been at the pains to transcribe the whole book, with blottings, interlineations, and corrections, that it might be shewn to several people as an original.

    Life Of Johnson Boswell, James, 1740-1795 1887

  • But still the blunderers placed their blottings wrong:

    The Parish Register George Crabbe 1793

  • But still the blunderers placed their blottings wrong:

    The Parish Register George Crabbe 1793

  • But still the blunderers placed their blottings wrong:

    The Parish Register George Crabbe 1793

  • He had been at the pains to transcribe the whole book, with blottings, interlineations, and corrections, that it might be shewn to several people as an original.

    Life of Johnson, Volume 1 1709-1765 James Boswell 1767


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