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  • Plus, nougat isn't very fragile unlike, say, pies or tarts, though I might try some mini-pumpkin pies, so shipping is less of an issue; plus, one of the unofficial bridespeople will be driving near SIL's store nearly every weekend this fall, and he's already offered to do the transport for me.

    Nougat: Evil, with Nuts and Dried Fruit and Honey Emma Goldman 2005

  • I should reassure you people that I call them "unofficial" bridespeople because we're not having any attendants.

    Archive 2005-04-01 Emma Goldman 2005

  • One of my bridespeople introduced me to a store that makes chocolate, and it is evil.

    Archive 2005-04-01 Emma Goldman 2005

  • It's true that I couldn't pull this off without the help of my friends J who is basically a maid of honor without portfolio and B; I've been referring to them as the unofficial bridespeople.

    Answer: Wedding Details Emma Goldman 2005

  • One of my bridespeople introduced me to a store that makes chocolate, and it is evil.

    Bad Habits Emma Goldman 2005

  • Plus, nougat isn't very fragile unlike, say, pies or tarts, though I might try some mini-pumpkin pies, so shipping is less of an issue; plus, one of the unofficial bridespeople will be driving near SIL's store nearly every weekend this fall, and he's already offered to do the transport for me.

    Archive 2005-09-01 Emma Goldman 2005

  • It's true that I couldn't pull this off without the help of my friends J who is basically a maid of honor without portfolio and B; I've been referring to them as the unofficial bridespeople.

    Archive 2005-06-01 Emma Goldman 2005

  • My partner and I are getting married next month, and the bridespeople (both male and female) were constrained by the following guidance when it came to their attire: - Because visibility matters 2009

  • My partner and I are getting married next month, and the bridespeople (both male and female) were constrained by the following guidance when it came to their attire: - Because visibility matters 2009

  • On Friday, one of my self-appointed bridespeople and I stopped at the Sect. of State's office so she could transact some business there before we picked up the other self-appointed bridesperson and headed out to look at fabric, which we did for a little while, then we got bored and found the chocolate shop that the second person knew about because he used to live nearby, and then a coffee shop where we hung out for awhile.

    The Personal and the Political Emma Goldman 2005


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