
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The stem or trunk of a tree.
  • noun A Middle English form of cod.


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  • And as for Cod, that was derived directly from that "great store of codfish" which Captain Bartholomew Gosnold caught there in 1602; which fish appears to have been so called from the Saxon word codde, "a case in which seeds are lodged," either from the form of the fish, or the quantity of spawn it contains; whence also, perhaps, codling ( "pomum coctile"?) and coddle, -- to cook green like peas.

    Cape Cod 1865

  • Also the same yere in somer tide was great plente of al maner cornes and fruytes: but a litle before Midsomer there bigan to falle moch reyne, which contynued lasse or more every day as for the moost partie; howsoever the wynde stode unto viij daies bifore Cristmas, so that men myght not gadre ynne there, and namely the codde corne, and yet was there plente of corne ynough. "

    A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Written in the Fifteenth Century, and for the First Time Printed from MSS. in the British Museum Anonymous 1823

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Qwaider Planet 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2009

  • Zionist Israel has been and is increasingly mired in criminal psychosis -- and one doesn't codde, or overlook, or enable psychosis ... period.

    Qwaider Planet 2009


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