
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective without context


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

context +‎ -less


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  • It's like grade-school-level writing - the kind of contextless swill my English teacher would say is all surface and no depth.

    Palin takes aim at Obama over energy 2009

  • What I've been focusing on, very consistently, is the way that a particular sort of advertisement, the literary "Best Of" list, is an expression, a "symptom" (again, relatively harmless when seen - as you do - in some kind of free-floating, contextless ether) of a disease that is indeed harmful to a broader, richer, more democratic literary culture (there's the essence of my "extremity").

    OCD 2009

  • I was (but am no longer since it seemed just futile) chatting in one forum and suggested to some of the people there that instead of just repeating their (imho recycled and contextless) arguments against AGW in discussion forums, they should actually refocus a bit and try to publish their findings if they really have something new to add to the scientific debate.

    Advanced Trolling 101 EliRabett 2010

  • How is this deliberately-contextless piece of manufactured celebrity-watching acceptable outside of E!?

    I See You Jockin’ Jay-Z | ATTACKERMAN 2008

  • Lerner's relentless focus on the contextless "yaw and angle" of contemporary consciousness -- how we know, how we represent, the systems we are subject to -- phenomenology, epistemology -- are representative preoccupations of his generation.

    Poetry: What Does It Accomplish? 2010

  • Technically, I suppose, the VERY beginning is that contextless interrogation excerpt.

    Finch: A Primer on Novel Openings (Please Chime In) 2010

  • Moreso than any other social networking site, Twitter is ideally suited for spreading near-contextless outrage.

    Twitter is for Transmitting Outrage | Live Granades 2009

  • It is a contextless beating, senseless, random and unprovoked.

    Reflections on a Rally 2009

  • Demme's film becomes when it unleashes itself from the yolk of endless cable interviews and contextless footage of violent acts in the Holy

    Josh Bolotsky: Screening Liberally: Rendering Jimmy Carter Voiceless 2008

  • These sections are almost accidentally even-handed in the worst way - the clips are so contextless that it's hard to imagine anyone advocating for any side of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict being able to claim their point is being proven.

    Josh Bolotsky: Screening Liberally: Rendering Jimmy Carter Voiceless 2008


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