
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A name of certain labroid fishes.
  • noun Either of two trees of the genus Byrsonima of the family Molpighiaceæ, B. spicata and B. lucida, especially the former. They yield hard, useful woods. See surette.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun (Zoöl.) A handsome fish of Florida and the West Indies (Platyglossus radiatus). The name is applied also to the ladyfish (Harpe rufa) of the same region.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A fish of Florida and the West Indies (Platyglossus radiatus).
  • noun The ladyfish (Harpe rufa) of the same region.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

Spanish, literally "maid". Compare damsel.


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  • Several weeks before Donna Sophonisba had received a letter sent from Flanders, and Ulrich's companion was well informed, for his wife served the baroness as 'doncella'.

    Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works Georg Ebers 1867

  • Although she was only 18 years old and unmarried ( "se hallaba en opinión de doncella") at the time she entered the Inquisition's prison, she was eight months pregnant.

    Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico 2008

  • Happily for this doncella, her suffering came to an end "after 19 Ex-voto to the Virgin of Soledad. days, without any remedy other than the image (estampa) of [San Miguel] that she had placed on her back."

    Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico 2008

  • Ultimately, however, San Miguel was charitable to this family once the vow was carried out; not only did the doncella recover, but the saint eventually cured two brothers of Don Antonio, both of which were "gravely and incurably ill," and another daughter, "on the verge of death from bloody dysentery," as well.

    Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico 2008

  • The natural consequence of this was the custom, which so largely prevailed, of young men, absolutely unknown to the parents, establishing correspondence or meetings with the objects of their adoration by means of a complaisant _doncella_ with an open palm, or the pastime known as

    Spanish Life in Town and Country L. Higgin

  • ` _Ay doncella mia_! 'she sighed, ` I shall be glad when the end of this life is come.'

    Robin Tremayne A Story of the Marian Persecution Emily Sarah Holt 1864

  • Under the dread of a common danger, the white _doncella_ and the dusky damsel forget the difference in the colour of their skins; and for the first time feel themselves sisters in the true sisterhood of humanity.

    The Lone Ranche Mayne Reid 1850

  • Species that can be found include Picrodendron macrocarpum (yana), Maytenus buxifolia (carne de doncella), Belairia spinosa (yamaguey), Brya ebenus (granadillo) and Diospyrus grisebachii (ébano).

    Cuban cactus scrub 2008

  • _doncella_ with an open palm, or the pastime known as _pelando el pavo_

    Women of the Romance Countries John Robert Effinger 1901


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