double-sided leaf plucking love

double-sided leaf plucking


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  • Wine producer Dr Andrew Pirie has participated in the research process at his Apogee vineyard near Lebrina in northern Tasmania with a good improvement in botrytis control in Chardonnay grapes for the 2024 vintage.

    “It is an occasional problem in this variety but in the 2024 ripening period the disciplined research approach from Kathy Evan’s team at TIA gave significantly positive results,” Dr Pirie said.

    “We learnt very clear cut that double-sided leaf plucking in the bunch zone gave us a significant decrease in our infection,” he said.


    September 16, 2024

  • How does one pluck only a single side of a leaf?

    September 17, 2024

  • Plucked if I know :-/

    September 18, 2024