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  • The material within, if present in relatively large particles, is called otoltths ( "earstone" G), and if present in fine particles is called otoconia (oh'toh-koh'nee-uh; "ear-dust" G).

    The Human Brain Asimov, Isaac 1963

  • Her earstone was set to deliver _The Two Minute Report_ three times a day, whether she was near a pix or not.

    Asimov's Science Fiction 2004

  • She would have cried then except that her earstone started whispering, "Talisha, ya ladyay, connect, _Talisha_."

    Asimov's Science Fiction 2004

  • She felt grief hollowing her out; she thought she might cave in on herself when her earstone started whispering again.

    Asimov's Science Fiction 2004

  • For those us that are interested in the mystical, the word for otolith is derived from the Greek oto - meaning 'ear', and lithos - meaning 'stone', or 'earstone'.

    The News is - The News is Now Public 2008


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