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  • Farmers were invited to educational meetings at which they were taught to identify the tomato fruitworm, the beet armyworm, and the Western yellowstriped armyworm.

    Diffusion of Innovations Everett M. Rogers 1995

  • But another pest, the fruitworm, may have died off earlier than usual. 2010

  • (09 / 05 / 2005) Bioinsecticide for combating a pest that affects the tomato and the green bean The tomato fruitworm is the name given to an insect pest which, due to its polyphagous character, causes very serious damage to a number of plants, such as the tomato and the green bean. News 2009

  • (09 / 05 / 2005) Bioinsecticide for combating a pest that affects the tomato and the green bean The tomato fruitworm is the name given to an insect pest which, due to its polyphagous character, causes very serious damage to a number of plants, such as the tomato and the green bean. News 2009


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