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  • Horses are gramnivorous quadrupeds with forty teeth, namely twenty–four grinders, four eye–teeth, and twelve incisive.

    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time 3: The Dragon Reborn (1991) Adam Roberts 2010

  • Horses are gramnivorous quadrupeds with forty teeth, namely twenty–four grinders, four eye–teeth, and twelve incisive.

    Archive 2010-03-01 Adam Roberts 2010

  • The gramnivorous nestling is first fed on grubs, which are better adapted to the niceties of its stomach; many of the minutest new-born creatures, being at once left to their own devices, take to animal food.

    More Hunting Wasps Jean-Henri Fabre 1869

  • The gramnivorous nestling is fed first upon worms and grubs, which are best adapted to the delicacy of its stomach; many newly born creatures among the lower orders, being immediately left to their own devices, live on animal diet.

    Social Life in the Insect World Jean-Henri Fabre 1869

  • Had we had powder to waste, we would certainly have rid the gramnivorous from many of their carnivorous neighbours, but we were now entering a tract of country celebrated for the depredations of the Texians and

    Travels and Adventures of Monsieur Violet Frederick Marryat 1820

  • Had we had powder to waste, we would certainly have rid the gramnivorous from many of their carnivorous neighbours, but we were now entering a tract of country celebrated for the depredations of the Texans and

    Monsieur Violet Frederick Marryat 1820

  • 'gramnivorous metaphysicians,' or Reaumur's spiders, they could only injure one another and destroy their own webs.

    St. Elmo 1872


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