
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A pattern consisting of rows of short, slanted parallel lines with the direction of the slant alternating row by row and used in masonry, parquetry, embroidery, and weaving.
  • noun A twilled fabric woven in this pattern.
  • noun Sports A method of climbing a ski slope with the tips of the skis pointed outward.
  • intransitive verb To arrange or decorate with a herringbone pattern.
  • intransitive verb To produce a herringbone pattern.
  • intransitive verb Sports To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward.

from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The bone of a herring.
  • Resembling the spine of a herring: specifically applied to courses of stone laid at an angle, so that the stones in each course are placed side by side, and obliquely to the right and left in alternate courses. It is a kind of ashler common in late Roman and occurring in the earliest medieval work.
  • A textile stuff made in this way, as chudders.
  • In carpentry, to strengthen (a floor) by herring-bone bridging, that is, with short pieces of studding set diagonally from the lower edge of one beam to near the upper edge of the next.
  • In masonry, to build, as a wall, of stone, tiles, or bricks laid at an angle with the horizon so as to show on the face in a series of diagonals, generally in alternate courses so as to produce a continued zigzag.
  • To sew or embroider with the herring-bone stitch.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • adjective Pertaining to, or like, the spine of a herring; especially, characterized by an arrangement of work in rows of parallel lines, which in the alternate rows slope in different directions.
  • adjective a kind of cross-stitch in needlework, chiefly used in flannel.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A bone of a herring
  • noun A zigzag pattern, especially made by bricks, on a cloth, or by stitches in sewing
  • noun skiing A method of climbing a hill by pointing the skis outward in a V-shape to keep from sliding backwards.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a pattern of columns of short parallel lines with all the lines in one column sloping one way and lines in adjacent columns sloping the other way; it is used in weaving, masonry, parquetry, embroidery
  • noun a twilled fabric with a herringbone pattern


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  • I started with some plain herringbone in various sizes, did some where the colours overlapped (like that effect a lot) some with thin thread, where the stitches weren't tall enough and just looked like "x" s, then tried couching a large thread down, curving it, adding some other kinds of stitches to make a pattern, and doing some sort of random, freeform herringbone stitches.

    Archive 2007-01-01 katelnorth 2007

  • I started with some plain herringbone in various sizes, did some where the colours overlapped (like that effect a lot) some with thin thread, where the stitches weren't tall enough and just looked like "x" s, then tried couching a large thread down, curving it, adding some other kinds of stitches to make a pattern, and doing some sort of random, freeform herringbone stitches.

    Take a stitch challenge katelnorth 2007

  • Sheep in the City shared a "herringbone" - like stitch pattern for a quick scarf.

    BlogHer 2009

  • The new 'herringbone'-seating configuration allows unrestricted aisle access from each seat. 2008

  • In 2000 British Airways unveiled a new business class with some aft-facing seats, and in 2003 Virgin Atlantic opted for a "herringbone" pattern, with seats positioned diagonally (passengers 'feet point toward aisles).

    Making Airline Travel Feel Less Like Torture 2008

  • Elements such as herringbone-patterned wood floors and finely detailed crown molding hint at days gone by, though the sea-foam green and chocolate palette, and the bronze silk fabric wrapped around the chandeliers, suggest something more contemporary. - News 2010

  • You can also look for more texture, such as herringbone or a fine check in the fabric to add bulk.

    BNET Articles Tessa Hood 2010

  • Also featured is a 1946 000-28 Martin, another large body fingerpicking guitar, with Martin's famous "herringbone" edge binding, estimated

    Antique News News! 2010

  • The camera has some trouble focusing patterns such as herringbone, pinstripes or other stripes, small dots and small checks.

    unknown title 2009

  • Appropriately traditional English wovens such as herringbone, bird's-eye, and twill were combined with the latest in fabric technology. Latest Features and Articles 2009


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