
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A coarse towel for general use, hanging from a roller.


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  • Bintrey, as they returned to the counting-house, and Mr. Wilding dried himself on a jack-towel behind an inner door.

    No Thoroughfare 2007

  • In the kitchen, where now they stood, not a spark of fire was lingering, but some wood-ash still retained a feeble memory of warmth; and three little children (blest with small advance from babyhood) were huddling around, with hands, and faces, and sharp grimy knees poking in for lukewarm corners; while two rather senior young Carroways were lying fast asleep, with a jack-towel over them.

    Mary Anerley Richard Doddridge 2004

  • “Madam,” he began, and then he rubbed his mouth with the cross-cut out of the jack-towel by the sink, newly set on table, to satisfy him for a dinner napkin — “madam, will you listen, while I make an explanation?”

    Mary Anerley Richard Doddridge 2004

  • A cake of yellow soap and a jack-towel were provided, and taking off my jacket and waistcoat, I enjoyed a thoroughly good wash.

    Chatterbox, 1905. Various

  • Paul nodded, and went off to the sink and the jack-towel, wondering a little.

    Despair's Last Journey David Christie Murray

  • There he made his toilet with the aid of a piece of yellow soap, a bucket of water, and a jack-towel, and then walked down the darkened garden to the house.

    Despair's Last Journey David Christie Murray

  • Maine was, and can make, as Massachusetts used to say, a court train out of a jack-towel.

    The Green Satin Gown Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards 1896

  • "Well, I'd like to know what did he do whatever?" said a girlish voice from behind the settle, where Morva Lloyd (who was shepherdess, cowherd, milkmaid, all in one), was drying her hands on a jack-towel;

    Garthowen A Story of a Welsh Homestead Allen Raine 1885

  • The plate, knife, and fork were washed in the wash-hand basin and wiped with the office jack-towel.

    More Pages from a Journal Mark Rutherford 1872

  • "Sir, do I look like a man who would wear a fez with a jack-towel twisted round it?" cried Mr Burne in the most irate manner.

    Yussuf the Guide The Mountain Bandits; Strange Adventure in Asia Minor George Manville Fenn 1870


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