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  • And since this is my last-ever draft for the New York Knicks, let's get it right.

    In the Room With the Knicks' Draft Team Aditi Kinkhabwala 2011

  • As a prelude to ABC's last-ever broadcast of All My Children Sept. 23, SOAPnet airs a two-day marathon of some of AMC's best-remembered moments.

    Matt's Guide to Weekend TV 2011

  • So I asked the director of Tate, Sir Nicholas Serota, a blunt question: In view of the fact that the U.K. government will be announcing across-the-board budget cuts in October, is this the last-ever blockbuster?

    Tate Modern Exhibition Makes a Fresh Case for Gauguin Paul Levy 2010

  • The issue also includes the last-ever interview given by Roberto Bolano (The Savage Detectives, 2666), and book-related interviews with:

    If you’re likin’ Author Interviews… 2009

  • The issue also includes the last-ever interview given by Roberto Bolano (The Savage Detectives, 2666), and book-related interviews with:

    2009 March 12 | NIGEL BEALE NOTA BENE BOOKS 2009

  • Never, in my worst nightmare, could I have imagined that only 18 years later the paper I worked for and loved for all its faults for three decades would publish its last-ever edition.

    News of the World history: all human life was there 2011

  • Barcelona held its last-ever bullfight Sunday amid a new regional ban of the spectacle.

    Spain's Most Famous Bull Since Ferdinand Is Hardly a Shrinking Violet Ilan Brat 2011

  • Most headline-grabbing is likely to be the naked cast of Dave St-Pierre's company (Jun), and most poignant: the last-ever UK performances by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company (Oct) before it disbands for good.

    This week's new dance 2011

  • He is still deciding what to do, how he will get to the office, when he realizes who it is on the other side of the glass and, waking up, kicks the blankets off his legs (stay inside) and opens his mouth in a silent cry of inexorable terror as the last-ever train arrives at its destination in an explosion of icy shards, snow, and office supplies, exactly as scheduled.

    The Last-Ever Train Marc Lowe 2010

  • In late June, I attended the last-ever official reunion for the men who served aboard the World War II-era PT boats.

    On VJ Day, New Generations Remember 2010


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