
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun Plural of life.
  • noun An obsolete genitive of life.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • obsolete Alive; living; with life.
  • noun pl. of Life.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Third-person singular simple present indicative form of live.
  • noun Plural form of life.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See live (noun)

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

See live (verb)


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  • This fum fubtradled from 43.202 leaves 10.651; which remain - der added to 8.917 (the value juft found of the three joint lives) gives 19.568, the va* lue of the longeft of the three lives*

    Observations on Reversionary Payments: On Schemes for Providing Annuities for Widows, and for ... 1773

  • _the story of Savitri is read_, a story in which the wife lives only for the husband, while he, as he rudely tells her -- after all her devotion -- _lives only for his parents_!

    Primitive Love and Love-Stories Henry Theophilus Finck 1890

  • And now I can actually see a plausible interpretation that Santorum mistakenly starts to say the word lives before he says people's, so he then self-corrects, adding people's before he repeats lives again.

    Sam Sommers: Santorum: Freudian Slip or Stutter? Sam Sommers 2012

  • The species is unknown, but her name lives on: it was Psittace, from which scientists derive Psittaciformes, the scientific order to which parrots, which include the lovebirds, cockatiels, and cockatoos, belong.

    Birdology Sy Montgomery 2010

  • While I did not have the pleasure of knowing Marine Sergeant Bradley J.Harper, I hope in some small part the character I have created in his name lives up to the high standards I know he set for himself as an American, a member of the Virginia Beach Police Department, and as a United States Marine.

    Takedown Brad Thor 2006

  • While I did not have the pleasure of knowing Marine Sergeant Bradley J.Harper, I hope in some small part the character I have created in his name lives up to the high standards I know he set for himself as an American, a member of the Virginia Beach Police Department, and as a United States Marine.

    Takedown Brad Thor 2006

  • 'No, you can't put it aside while the man with the title lives, not even if you're running off in earnest, under a dozen Welsh names.

    Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith George Meredith 1868

  • 'No, you can't put it aside while the man with the title lives, not even if you're running off in earnest, under a dozen Welsh names.

    The Amazing Marriage — Volume 4 George Meredith 1868

  • 'No, you can't put it aside while the man with the title lives, not even if you're running off in earnest, under a dozen Welsh names.

    The Amazing Marriage — Complete George Meredith 1868

  • Though the Romans have long since abandoned the practice, the name lives on in Jerusalem and other cities home to Israel's 700,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews, about 9 percent of the national population.

    Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion 2011


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