
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of mesophyllum.


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  • The grasslands that surround the shola forests consist of several fire - and frost-resistant grasses: Chrysopogon zeylanicus, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Arundinella ciliata, Arundinella mesophylla, Arundinella tuberculata, Themeda tremula, and Sehima nervosum.

    South Western Ghats montane rain forests 2008

  • The grasslands that surround the shola forests are characterized by several fire - and frost-resistant grasses: Chrysopogon zeylanicus, Cymbopogon flexuosus, Arundinella ciliata, Arundinella mesophylla, Arundinella tuberculata, Themeda tremula, and Sehima nervosum.

    North Western Ghats montane rain forests 2007


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