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  • Making a president openly defend his agenda to his critics like this seems like a good thing, and it removes the media middle-man.

    Matthew Yglesias » Obama at the House GOP Retreat 2010

  • Just know that officially, F&S is not a middle-man or anything in any way.

    Fly Swap 2009

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • Out of one side of your mouth you proclaim that health care reform is “one step” toward a low-cost, government-provided alternative that will solve our soaring medical costs and eliminate the middle-man pariah.

    Matthew Yglesias » A Historic Achievement 2010

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • Of course, it is the dream of Murray Hill Inc. and the rest of the corporate person community that in the near future, corporations that have always had to rely on backdoor lobbying, influence peddling and big-money donations to get their way will be able to eliminate the middle-man and run for office ourselves.

    Murray Hill Inc.: Howard Schultz and the Heartbreak of the Self-Hating Corporation Murray Hill Inc. 2011

  • A market maker is a financial middle-man, typically a bank, that helps the price discovery process and adds liquidity to the market by quoting both bid and ask prices for financial products.

    RBI Tightens Rules on Derivatives Sales Bijou George 2011


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