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  • You need to have readily accessible munchables that are not overly elaborate in their preparation.

    Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games: January 2009 Archives 2009

  • At any rate, I'm starting to get a mite peckish, so I'm going to pack up here and wander back upstairs, where I will treat myself to a lint rolling and make some munchables.

    Yes, I know. It's been a couple of days. gaaneden 2007

  • You need to have readily accessible munchables that are not overly elaborate in their preparation.

    The only way to (One) Ring in the New Year - Suvudu - Science Fiction and Fantasy Books, Movies, and Games 2009

  • My snacking binges have gotten a little out of hand lately, so I thought these easy munchables would provide some buffer between me and the office vending machine.

    Carrot Cake Ice Cream with Cream Cheese Sauce 2008

  • Nearly 20 of us arrived at Linda Ishee's Gulfport studio, armed with a few cocktails and munchables, ready to create masterpieces.

    Homepage 2010

  • The game opens on planet Star Ving, where the adorably gluttonous munchables -- odd little ball-shaped creatures that put professional eaters to shame -- frolic and feast under the watchful gaze of an all-knowing onion.

    unknown title 2009

  • When the vegetable - and fruit-based pirates fuse with the orbs, they become delectable monster treats that the munchables can devour in a quest for freedom.

    unknown title 2009

  • The bold, brightly colored, comedic presentation is visually charismatic, from the swirling psychedelic ranking screen and weird enemy design to the munchables 'never-ending attempts to devour their onion master.

    unknown title 2009

  • It's the reason the Shark decided to single out the Brody family for crunchable munchables.

    unknown title 2009

  • Wednesday: Cheese pizza, stuffed crust pizza, munchables with pickle, veggie dippers with ranch, chilled fruit.

    Local News | The Bryan College Station Eagle 2009


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