
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The tenor or basset bombard. See bombard, 6.
  • noun A kind of large bombardon, a reed-instrument used in the seventeenth century, one of the forms from which the oboe and bassoon were developed.
  • noun A variety of onyx consisting of a layer of a bluish tint over black.


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  • Dinner awaits you at Da Nicolo (www.luigipomata. com/nicolo), where the chefs skillfully blend ingredients like couscous, fresh tuna, local tomatoes and pecorino cheeses, combing influences from Sardinian, Tunisian and Genovese cuisines to create a delicious culinary reflection of the cultural forces that have, whether by invasion or invitation, shaped this corner of paradise over centuries.

    Enjoy the Ride 2010

  • This intaglio of the fish with the crested serpent above it, in the black stratum of the onyx, or rather nicolo, is well shown by the surrounding blue of the upper stratum.

    Romola George Eliot 1849

  • What once seemed like nonsense outside of Hollywood and Science Fiction is now starting to find its way into reality, and some of the technology is a bit overwhelming. nicolo Science blogging, science communication and the multitude

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2009

  • Pourtant, nous .. nicolo Ne pas oublier Karachi: Nous serons effac�s, �teins, menac�s, terrifi�s.

    Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7 2009


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