
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A Middle English form of oak.
  • But.
  • noun An abbreviation of ocean.
  • An assimilated form of ob- before c.


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  • oc hann kanni hann gior, allir wdu hann mikils fem von vai* ac, oc fbendr hans v6pu allir pcir cr gofg -

    Hungurvaka: sive, Historia primorum quinqve Skalholtensium in Islandia ... 1778

  • A comparable dilution of the term oc - curred in America in the wake of the crisis, most notably in the liberal-fundamentalist controversy, but also closer to the Catholic tradition in the writings of

    Dictionary of the History of Ideas JOHN RATT 1968

  • The oc is the goodest serial in the world and this 22rank is not curently!!!!!

    NBC Cancels Christian Slater Drama “My Own Worst Enemy” 2008

  • In the provinces to the south of that river the affirmative, YES, was expressed by the word oc; in the north it was called oil (oui); and hence Dante has named the southern language langue d'oc, and the northern langue d'oil.

    The Age of Chivalry Thomas Bulfinch 1831

  • In the provinces to the south of that river the affirmative, YES, was expressed by the word oc; in the north it was called oil (oui); and hence Dante has named the southern language langue d'oc, and the northern langue d'oil.

    The Age of Fable Thomas Bulfinch 1831

  • He's making fun of me, Eddie thought ... but even as the idea oc-curred to him, he knew it wasn't true.

    Wizard and Glass King, Stephen 1997

  • As it stands they look just like the combination 'oc'!

    Can you read it? C N Heidelberg 2009

  • The language of their songs is the beautiful "Langue d'oc," so called from the use of the word "oc" to mean yes, and thus distinguished from the "Langue d'oil" of Northern France and the "Lingua di si" of Italy.

    Woman's Work in Music Arthur Elson

  • ..but then the 'oc' would be 'the fool on the hill'...that guy does not 'act naturally'...

    Gender Politics: Sex, Bikes, and Relationships BikeSnobNYC 2008

  • yer sayin' ya won't be sharing any warm fuzzy's w/ the old 'oc' over the holidays ?

    This Just In: Recess! BikeSnobNYC 2008


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