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  • By contrast, Prospect Park forbids dogs to be off-leash everywhere, including roadways, with the exception of three designated areas during the city's off-leash hours: Long Meadow, Nethermead and the Peninsula.

    Central Park Leash Policy Questioned Sophia Hollander 2011

  • Lizzy Klein said she moved to the Upper East Side to take advantage of Central Park's off-leash laws with Mimosa, who is half German Shepherd and half Husky.

    Central Park Leash Policy Questioned Sophia Hollander 2011

  • The Prospect Park resident initially lost his dog in Prospect Park during off-leash hours when Winston was scared away by a flashing collar.

    Shortening the Leash Sumathi Reddy 2011

  • Not every owner even stops, she said, and one dog owner cursed at her when he overheard her warning other cyclists about off-leash dogs.

    Central Park Leash Policy Questioned Sophia Hollander 2011

  • Please note, that off-leash use of this skill is dependent upon the breed of dog you have.

    Five Steps to Train Your Dog to Come When Called | myFiveBest 2009

  • Proceeds to benefit a fundraising effort for an off-leash dog park. 10 a. m.-noon, Manassas Park Parks and Recreation Community Center, 99 Adams St.,

    Prince William County community events, Oct. 28-Nov. 4, 2010 Post 2010

  • When Pritch was efficient at this we moved to off-leash work in the same fashion, introducing in distractions as necessary.

    Uncategorized Blog Posts 2009

  • When Pritch was efficient at this we moved to off-leash work in the same fashion, introducing in distractions as necessary.

    How To Teach a Gun Dog the "Here" Command with an E-Collar 2009

  • We did off-leash heeling exercises at the dog park, and down/stays at street festivals, etc.

    It’s Raining Dogs and Turtles? « Awful Library Books 2010

  • Zappia and Priori have said they were walking the dogs β€” Mika, a two-year-old husky, and Azzurro, a three-year-old German shorthaired pointer β€” off-leash in a wooded area behind the Emerald Links golf course when the dogs caught sight of a deer and chased after it.

    Archive 2009-06-01 2009


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