
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • verb Present participle of outfling.


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  • His weight sank the ladder until the water washed his knees, and on this submerged support he balanced himself with wild writhing and outflinging of arms.


  • At the impetuous outflinging of her hands, the floor was strewn with pink petals.

    The Bacillus of Beauty A Romance of To-day Harriet Stark

  • His weight sank the ladder until the water washed his knees, and on this submerged support he balanced himself with wild writhing and outflinging of arms.

    Chapter 18 1914

  • His weight sank the ladder until the water washed his knees, and on this submerged support he balanced himself with wild writhing and outflinging of arms.

    The Mutiny of the Elsinore Jack London 1896

  • The man turned irritably, with a shrug, and a swift outflinging of his hands.

    Dawn 1894


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