
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of peabrain.


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  • When we fly to Paris from Guadalajara in a couple of weeks are we to amuse ourselves with paper masks for the approximately 20 hours or so we will be exposed in second class to the 400 peabrains we never met before and hopefully will never meet again?

    flu in Mexico 2009

  • When we fly to Paris from Guadalajara in a couple of weeks are we to amuse ourselves with paper masks for the approximately 20 hours or so we will be exposed in second class to the 400 peabrains we never met before and hopefully will never meet again?

    flu in Mexico 2009

  • I think they have a chemical imbalance in their peabrains.

    GOP congressman chides the 'hard right' 2009

  • When we fly to Paris from Guadalajara in a couple of weeks are we to amuse ourselves with paper masks for the approximately 20 hours or so we will be exposed in second class to the 400 peabrains we never met before and hopefully will never meet again?

    flu in Mexico 2009

  • I still don't understand why two adult grown dogs would attack one single puppy though .. something not right in those doggy peabrains.

    une plaie - French Word-A-Day 2009

  • When we fly to Paris from Guadalajara in a couple of weeks are we to amuse ourselves with paper masks for the approximately 20 hours or so we will be exposed in second class to the 400 peabrains we never met before and hopefully will never meet again?

    flu in Mexico 2009

  • True Liberty is a holy roller, and the holy rollers have had the “Stimulus package is a failure” drummed into their little peabrains at holy roller Sunday School.

    Think Progress » On House GOP Website, Republican Leadership Takes Credit For Successful Stimulus Project 2010

  • She doesn't want a medium that will allow a thought more complex than she can offer or her fans can wrap their peabrains around. starzzguitar

    Palin set to let the tweets 'fly' 2009

  • When we fly to Paris from Guadalajara in a couple of weeks are we to amuse ourselves with paper masks for the approximately 20 hours or so we will be exposed in second class to the 400 peabrains we never met before and hopefully will never meet again?

    flu in Mexico 2009

  • The tiny little teatard peabrains got their teatard fat asses to get off the couch, make poorly spelled signs and leave the trailer park, and yet here we all are bitching and moaning with each other in pixelated comfort.

    Balloon Juice » Blog Archive » There Is Your Opening, President Obama 2010


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